Does anybody have any information about access to Preah Vihear? I want to know if it's possible to visit the temple from the the Thai side, Si Sa Ket province. I can't seem to find anything but old information on the internet.
You suprise me, i thought you would have a 'Danger landmines' ShirtIn short n. only up to the Thai check point before you enter the parking lot. No entry to the temple complex. I wish they would come to a compromise as I need a new T-shirt. It says Preah Viher Cambodia and the locals laugh their ass off. My shirt is from March 2008 and getting faded. 2 months after I was there all hell broke lose.
You suprise me, i thought you would have a 'Danger landmines' Shirt
Easily accessible from Siem Reap in Cambodia.
All hell broke loose?
Sent from a banana using Crappatalk and supersonic sausage fingers
Hello folks.....
I've just been told that Preah Vihear (Khao Phra Wiharn) is now open for tourists again and has been so for about two weeks. I'm going to ask the people at the Surin Tourist Office tomorrow if this is true. From past experience I expect they won't know, but of course they will not want to lose face by saying so. Maybe I will be pleasantly surprised. Does anybody reading this have any information about it? Many thanks.
It would be great news if its real..
Can you ensure to ask about the old temple buildings and NOT the national Park, cos thats been open for ages.
I would like to return there too!
Just spoken to some very good friends who work for The National Park Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department. They are tasked with the protection of all resoucres in the national parks and forest which Preah Vihear is part of. I'll take their word NO Preah Vihear or the The Naional Patk are NOT open http://www.dnp.go.th/index_eng.asp
I have been informed that if you have a contact you may have a group escorted by them threw the park but staying on the Thai side to view. As said you will not be allowed to the temple. I have personally been escorted by the NPWPCD on some of these tours on the borders and they do carry M16s. They are also accompanied by the Thai army and The Thai Border Police all heavily armed.
Not for me better wait until you can wonder freely .