Back in Thailand last night.


Resident Smart Arse
You guys know that when you arrive in Thailand you have to go with your Thai wife in the Thai passport queue, well I did that. I was half expecting the IO to say something about that, when she was staring at my visa for a long time. She did not like my O multi from Savanakhet. She was a senior lady that even had some fruit salad on her uniform. For god knows what (Penmanship?). She was seated with a young man that was her trainee. She mumbled to the young gentlemen that most graciously told her "Mam you see that there is a "M" there and not a "S". She was not convinced and scurried off to the senior IO. Well anyway she came back and stamped me in.
Then she shouted out to my wife is "That really where you stay in Thailand?" on the TM6. Surin.
Well anyway very strange from a senior lady IO. That was at DMK. Anyway, see you guys in the next week. I will be staying in BKK for a few days.
You guys know that when you arrive in Thailand you have to go with your Thai wife in the Thai passport queue, well I did that. I was half expecting the IO to say something about that, when she was staring at my visa for a long time. She did not like my O multi from Savanakhet. She was a senior lady that even had some fruit salad on her uniform. For god knows what (Penmanship?). She was seated with a young man that was her trainee. She mumbled to the young gentlemen that most graciously told her "Mam you see that there is a "M" there and not a "S". She was not convinced and scurried off to the senior IO. Well anyway she came back and stamped me in.
Then she shouted out to my wife is "That really where you stay in Thailand?" on the TM6. Surin.
Well anyway very strange from a senior lady IO. That was at DMK. Anyway, see you guys in the next week. I will be staying in BKK for a few days.

Don't have that problem at Swampy. Thats what you get for using cheep charlie airport.:D BTW welcome back. Attention K-Mart shoppers.. Hide the chickens,dogs, goats,pigs ,cows and anything else.:D
As a PR holder, (and a senior citizen) I am entitled to go in the Thai queue, with or without my wife. Last time I did it, there was a hold up, and I would have been better off on the farang queue. Indeed there is no requirement to join your wife in the Thai queue. Go separately is fine.
Holy mackeral Rice - no fist 'o cuffs at Immigration. :fearscream:

Wonders never cease, eh. ;)

Welcome home and happy Hanukah.
DMK is known by most (except by some that I shall not mentioned) for being a ripe shit hole and assholes for immigration problems. Use it for internal travel at your peril.
Holy mackeral Rice - no fist 'o cuffs at Immigration. :fearscream:

Wonders never cease, eh. ;)

Welcome home and happy Hanukah.

Thanks Coffee, but fist 'o cuffs at Immigration, it did not happen. As the story goes it is hard to hit someone that is bolting down a driveway. As all his mates had deserted him. It is called a comeuppance. He must of done it many times before. Bye the way I can keep my trap shut, but alas it only has a finite time.

NO YOU DO NOT.:p:rolleyes::D

As for that GL. Maybe it is no law, but it is a policy. I was told in no certain terms once when I was in the Farang queue, if I was traveling with my wife "I have to be in the Thai queue" I don't always argue with the IO GL. I didn't make it up.
I have joined both the Farang queue (when they're not busy) and the Thai queue (when the Farang queue is busy (or undermanned)). Never had a problem.

[That was always at Don Muang - I've not entered Thailand at Swampy with my wife]
Thanks Coffee, but fist 'o cuffs at Immigration, it did not happen. As the story goes it is hard to hit someone that is bolting down a driveway. As all his mates had deserted him. It is called a comeuppance. He must of done it many times before. Bye the way I can keep my trap shut, but alas it only has a finite time.

As for that GL. Maybe it is no law, but it is a policy. I was told in no certain terms once when I was in the Farang queue, if I was traveling with my wife "I have to be in the Thai queue" I don't always argue with the IO GL. I didn't make it up.

I have joined both the Farang queue (when they're not busy) and the Thai queue (when the Farang queue is busy (or undermanned)). Never had a problem.

[That was always at Don Muang - I've not entered Thailand at Swampy with my wife]

To which years (decade) are you referring to , Yorky ?

Sometimes things change...sometimes. :cool:
A lot has changed BUTTER CUP..:rolleyes::D
And I thought GL was being nice.

Urban Slang:

The act of farting into one's "cupped" hand, then ushering the captured fart into an unsuspecting victims face, thus causing him to inhale your butt fumes. Optimal conditions occur when victims mouth is open.
And I thought GL was being nice.

Urban Slang:

The act of farting into one's "cupped" hand, then ushering the captured fart into an unsuspecting victims face, thus causing him to inhale your butt fumes. Optimal conditions occur when victims mouth is open.
Just tried that with the dog. She's sneezing [emoji110]