Bank Stuffup



I have been neglecting to update my bankbook since I put in my retirement money for seasoning at the end of July. I put in around a million then and have been taking out money to live on. I do my extension in mid November and there will be around 900,000 baht in the account then.

I remembered I should update the book while in Lobinson the other day and put it in the update machine that didn't work, it told me to see the staff inside for an update, went inside handed the book to the lady and she updated my book. Got the book back and saw it only had 3 lines of updating in it where there should have been about 23 lines. The 3 lines were all dated that day and indicated that my mill went in on the day the book was updated. Holy shit!

How can I prove I have seasoned the money to Immigration? Went back the next day with the wife and they told me they would print out a statement when I come in to get my letter from the bank.

Will this be accepted by Immigration?
Was it Kasikorn? I've had the same in the past - they only keep records for a month or two and after that accumulate deposits and withdrawals into lump sums. Luckily the deposits are calculated first so mine never drops below the 800k. I have used a statement before from Kasikorn but it was a long time ago and I cannot remember for what reason. Get the statement, ensure that the million deposit is shown on the correct date and get them to stamp and sign the statement. You may be able to persuade them to also include in your letter that the million was deposited on the specific date.

[The answer to your question "will it be accepted by Immigration?" I believe no-one can say for definite; depends on the officer and his mood at the time]
In previous years, KCI now SI, have required a print out of the bank statement for the previous 12 months. I have obtained this each year from Bangkok Bank in Surin, not available on-line but requested from Bangkok. The service, with a bank letter, cost 200 baht and takes 4 days. Last year for the first time, SI returned the bank statement to me, previously they have retained it with the other paperwork. However, they did study it for a few minutes before returning said document. From earlier conversations with Immigration I know they want this statement to verify/prove where your funds are coming from, i.e. you are not working illegally in Thailand. Aternatively, they will I believe, accept a copy of your up to date bank book, together with your bank book for verification. However, I have found keeping your bank book up to date is a pain in the arse for reasons mentioned by Wombat. I find the annual statement and letter far easier to obtain.
Was it Kasikorn? I've had the same in the past - they only keep records for a month or two and after that accumulate deposits and withdrawals into lump sums. Luckily the deposits are calculated first so mine never drops below the 800k. I have used a statement before from Kasikorn but it was a long time ago and I cannot remember for what reason. Get the statement, ensure that the million deposit is shown on the correct date and get them to stamp and sign the statement. You may be able to persuade them to also include in your letter that the million was deposited on the specific date.

[The answer to your question "will it be accepted by Immigration?" I believe no-one can say for definite; depends on the officer and his mood at the time]

In previous years, KCI now SI, have required a print out of the bank statement for the previous 12 months. I have obtained this each year from Bangkok Bank in Surin, not available on-line but requested from Bangkok. The service, with a bank letter, cost 200 baht and takes 4 days. Last year for the first time, SI returned the bank statement to me, previously they have retained it with the other paperwork. However, they did study it for a few minutes before returning said document. From earlier conversations with Immigration I know they want this statement to verify/prove where your funds are coming from, i.e. you are not working illegally in Thailand. Aternatively, they will I believe, accept a copy of your up to date bank book, together with your bank book for verification. However, I have found keeping your bank book up to date is a pain in the arse for reasons mentioned by Wombat. I find the annual statement and letter far easier to obtain.

The bank statements are largely irrelevant they, they satisfied a short-term instruction to check activity for funds coming into Thailand. Absolutely pointless. My account has the activity of a small third world country on account of money I move around for people. How will they check people who still access their money via ATMs on home country bank accounts?

For the standard savings accounts you can print up to 6 months statements online.

Immigration are only interested in seeing an updated bank book - something I failed to do this year as BKB Buriram were unable to update my FCD account passbook. Despite having copy statements and a letter from the bank in lieu of updating (+ the standard bank letter) they insisted the book was sent to Bangkok for updating,

To answer Wombat's question.... you will have no problem as long as the right hand column is above the required 400k/800k Baht. The statements are a back up but I doubt that they will the slightest bit interested.
Yes Kasikorn, I have no option but to try the statement.
Yes Kasikorn, I have no option but to try the statement.

Don't even offer the statement or try and justify what you see to be a weakness in your presentation.

Just give them the updated book (it happens to everybody) and bank letter - then be prepared to hand over the statement if a query is raised. Personally, I doubt very much that it will be.... it never has been an issue for me.