Bank transfer limit...

Having a house built in Thailand would be difficult if you can only transfer 50,000 baht at a time. Good thing ours is already built.
The hoops I had to jump through to transferee AUD$150,000 when we were building 2 1/2 years ago were ridiculas because of the anti money laundering regulations.
In the end, it worked out in my favour as, the exe rate rose B 0.66 by the time we dotted the Is and crossed the Ts, this took 4 days.
I agree @WileE, thanks thats over.
What about those who need monthly transfer of +65,000 in order to get a retirement visa by income???

Did you read the OP?

The limits for 'vulnerable groups ' (I am sure you qualify ;)) relates to payments out.....

I don't see how that will affect your retirement extension based on monthly income.
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