Busted - Thais Crossing Border Without Passports



Not sure if this has been reported here yet but on TV yesterday there was a big story about Thais and Cambodians being allowed to cross the border without entry/exit stamps, passports, etc for a 50 baht fee.

We have all seen it, the line at the exit where Thais line up to go to the casino and the Cambodians coming through to Thailand without the proper checks.

The report stated that it was highly illegal and should/would be investigated. I've not seen any further news on it though.
Easy In, Easy Out: Surin border officers let people in and out of Cambodia for THB50 and no passport!
By Coconuts Bangkok September 13, 2016 / 16:53 ICT
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Photo: Workpoint

Ever itching to cross over to Cambodia for an afternoon of gambling but don’t want to wait on annoying immigration lines? Dying to check out Angkor Wat but you’re on a tourist visa and don’t want to lose your entry? Maybe you need to leave but you spilled hand sanitizer on your passport and don’t want to spend a week in Thai jail?

Whatever your reasons for needing to cross into Cambodia with no fuss and no paperwork, the Surin border officers would love to help.

Apparently, these dudes have set up a little side business for themselves that they’ve dubbed the “Fast Track” lane. If you join this mysterious queue, conveniently set up just to the left of the legitimate, massive queue, you can cross into Cambodia without a passport and for only THB50!

Reporters from Workpoint heard about this border scam and went up to see if it was true. It was. They crossed over quickly and easily for just USD1.50. They showed no documentation of any kind and no receipt was offered.

The Thai report said every person who queued in the “Fast Track” line obviously had their THB50 ready in their hands. When the Workpoint reporters went in, they said they didn’t have a passport, and the officials casually informed them of the rule — to pay THB50.

When border officials were later questioned about their friendly little “Fast Track,” they wouldn’t say a word but referred the reporters to the head office of Surin immigration. The reporters were not given a comment or interview there either.

The “Fast Track” was at the Kab Cherng checkpoint that let people into and out of Cambodia.

Not only were Thais and foreigners being let over the border for various purposes without documentation, but Cambodians were also being allowed to enter Thailand to work illegally for THB50.

news crime
This has been going on forever and is only going to the casino. Nothing new.

"Not only were Thais and foreigners being let over the border for various purposes without documentation, but Cambodians were also being allowed to enter Thailand to work illegally for THB50."
Seems more than a bit of a security problem to me, GL. Nothing new, not a big deal? Ah, but it sure as f**k could be.

As I have said that shyt has been going on since the casino was opened. Nothing new on this. For that matter your getting a break of 50 baht, before the coup of 2014 it was 100 baht. :DJust don't try and do a visa hope or think you can go to SR you will be busted. :eek: Yes it would look like a security problem and there has been a very large corruption scam at this crossing both on the Thai Immigration and the Cambodian Immigration side. :rolleyes::rolleyes:If people keep bitching about this you will see some action similar to Surin Immigration stopping issuing certificate of residencies letters and a short time back when Divison 3 immigration closed the Aranyaprathet/ Poipet crossing for a month. Yes sir people have a way of shiting in there on bed.;););)
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This sounds a little too cheap. I did hear that there was a not so legal deal you could go to the casino if you left your passport with the crossing police. But this sounds completely different to that.
This sounds a little too cheap. I did hear that there was a not so legal deal you could go to the casino if you left your passport with the crossing police. But this sounds completely different to that.

Not at this crossing. It has always been pay to play. You may be confusing the local Buriram crossing where fag smugglers get busted, that one you do leave ur pp with army.
As I have said that shyt has been going on since the casino was opened. Nothing new on this. For that matter your getting a break of 50 baht, before the coup of 2014 it was 100 baht. :DJust don't try and do a visa hope or think you can go to SR you will be busted. :eek: Yes it would look like a security problem and there has been a very large corruption scam at this crossing both on the Thai Immigration and the Cambodian Immigration side. :rolleyes::rolleyes:If people keep bitching about this you will see some action similar to Surin Immigration stopping issuing certificate of residencies letters and a short time back when Divison 3 immigration closed the Aranyaprathet/ Poipet crossing for a month. Yes sir people have a way of shiting in there on bed.;););)

GL, perhaps you could be a little less smug in a lot of your replies. I also am aware that this has been happening for years as I have been using that border crossing since 2005. Most Surin farang members would also be aware of this little anomaly. You state that "this is nothing new". I digress on that point as the reporting of this scam in a lot of other websites is something new and that is why I posted it. If you keep making replies like your content in this thread, people will be reluctant to write anything. It will become like TV where every second poster is shot down by the people who know everything.

As far as your comment about people bitching about this and the fact that Immigration may stop issuing certificates etc if they continue, I hope you were not referring to me as I am merely passing on a story that appeared on other sites and it appeared that this story had not been broken here.
I remember about 15 years ago when a few of us (all Farangs) attempted to cross the border and visit the village but without visas. We managed to get as far as the bottom of the hill where there was a checkpoint hut. The one of us "in the know" said we should insert Bht 100.00 in our passports and then leave the passports with the officer at the hut. Some of us did insert the Bht 100.00, some of us didn't. The officer checked the passports, left the Bht 100.00's in place, handed them back and politely told us to "f**k off back to Thailand"!
I remember about 15 years ago when a few of us (all Farangs) attempted to cross the border and visit the village but without visas. We managed to get as far as the bottom of the hill where there was a checkpoint hut. The one of us "in the know" said we should insert Bht 100.00 in our passports and then leave the passports with the officer at the hut. Some of us did insert the Bht 100.00, some of us didn't. The officer checked the passports, left the Bht 100.00's in place, handed them back and politely told us to "f**k off back to Thailand"!

Did you get to the cat houses??
GL, perhaps you could be a little less smug in a lot of your replies. I also am aware that this has been happening for years as I have been using that border crossing since 2005. Most Surin farang members would also be aware of this little anomaly. You state that "this is nothing new". I digress on that point as the reporting of this scam in a lot of other websites is something new and that is why I posted it. If you keep making replies like your content in this thread, people will be reluctant to write anything. It will become like TV where every second poster is shot down by the people who know everything.

As far as your comment about people bitching about this and the fact that Immigration may stop issuing certificates etc if they continue, I hope you were not referring to me as I am merely passing on a story that appeared on other sites and it appeared that this story had not been broken here.

Now now don't take it personally my dear man.:hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes:
It's s good thing this is aired as it makes certain people look like fools, in the face of so-called crackdowns on security etc.

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It's s good thing this is aired as it makes certain people look like fools, in the face of so-called crackdowns on security etc.

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Would like to thank that the original article being written in Thai and published in a Thai only rag that the reporter is Thai and if thats the case there may be some serious chapped faces and asses not only at the crossing but inside Surin Immigration. If this was done by a white boy all bets are off.