Chong Chom Border Crossing Hours.


Kap Chong R Us Member
Just found out this morning from SWMBO. About 8 pm last night 4 Pakistanis stopped) to ask direction to the crossing and if it was open. The wife said they were shocked that a Thai could speak english. (So much for ASEAN). Anyway she made some phone calls but couldn't get an answer so she took the up to KCI and as luck would have it a IO that is also a friend of ours was there at that hour doing office work. He was able and glade to assist them. What was I was informed was that the after 5 pm or 1700 hrs No border hopes or exits out off or into Thailand. Yes the crossing is open till 10 pm at night BUT this is only for the locals that have to cross and they do need passport as ID card is not accepted. BTW they came back to the shop had dinner and a few beers and went and got a hotel for the night. SO just be advised that for normal crossing stopes at 5pm.
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Four Pakistanis ?

Blimey there will be a corner shop opening nearby soon GL - beware the competition.

Maybe a chippy with curry sauce ....

4 Pakis moved into Leeds, remember, then 40, 400, 40000......!