Good News Maybe KCI.


Kap Chong R Us Member
Its been confirmed that recently there have been two retirement exertions issued without the 30 day under consideration AND a gentleman with a retirement extension out of the Phang nag immigrationne (ne of Phuket) this past week did a 90 day report at KCI.

The above may just have been a one off OR........
It's just my opinion but if KCI have sufficient staff to conduct the thousands of checks per annum that this "rule" now requires, then they were overstaffed previously. I remember when Dow et al were relocated to Chock Chai it was because (her words) they didn't have sufficient staff to man two offices.
It's just my opinion but if KCI have sufficient staff to conduct the thousands of checks per annum that this "rule" now requires, then they were overstaffed previously. I remember when Dow et al were relocated to Chock Chai it was because (her words) they didn't have sufficient staff to man two offices.

KCI was closed back then because the yellow shirts were in power aka Abisit and he said f**k you red shirts and f**k you KC. He wanted and got a war with Cambodia. Closing of KC had nothing to do with staffing. Maybe Miss Big TITS was just taking up to much room.//flag
Do you agree that they were previously overstaffed? Or have they taken on more?

I don't think they were overstaffed before but what I notice now is that there are a lot more of them. They have a new and separate unit along from the main entrance who seem responsible for surveillance and law enforcement. These were the guys who sat me down to show me how to do the 90 day report on-line while my wife got the letter of residence sorted in the same office. Not the same section as the visa office.
Do you agree that they were previously overstaffed? Or have they taken on more?

I do not thank they are over staffed. What the typical person sees is only the officers and uni help in the office. On a busy day you may see a staff of 10 but only 3 officers processing because that the number of computer stations. What the typical person does not notice is just to the left of the stair entrance is another add on office, over its entrance a very large sign in English thats says Kap Choeng Suppression Unit. These are the boys and girls that have been charged with doing the interviews for marriage
I do not thank they are over staffed. What the typical person sees is only the officers and uni help in the office. On a busy day you may see a staff of 10 but only 3 officers processing because that the number of computer stations. What the typical person does not notice is just to the left of the stair entrance is another add on office, over its entrance a very large sign in English thats says Kap Choeng Suppression Unit. These are the boys and girls that have been charged with doing the interviews for marriage and now retirment. They also round up and escort customer for the paddy wagon.I have seen just before they open upwards of at least 50 KCI Offers at roll call in front of the flag poll. this is an everyday occurrence. Most of these personal are with the Suppression Unit. Also KCI does a lot of training of new officers. I know of KCI offers that work in Buriram for 2 to 3 months at a time and never see the KCI office. They also round up and escort customer for the paddy wagon.I have seen just before they open over 50 KCI Offers at roll call in front of the flag poll, this is an everyday occurrence. Most of these personal are with the suppression unit. The Suppression unit officers who work Buriram and a lot of Surin will use a local cop shop for communications. They are both Royal Thai Police. KCI Officers have the latest laptops and can access info on the fly, their assignments. Are they over loaded ? There is a chance that one or two new applications get dumped for this reason but are they overstafed? NO WAY. If anything they could use more personal but so could other districts.
I do not thank they are over staffed. What the typical person sees is only the officers and uni help in the office. On a busy day you may see a staff of 10 but only 3 officers processing because that the number of computer stations. What the typical person does not notice is just to the left of the stair entrance is another add on office, over its entrance a very large sign in English thats says Kap Choeng Suppression Unit. These are the boys and girls that have been charged with doing the interviews for marriage
I do not thank they are over staffed. What the typical person sees is only the officers and uni help in the office. On a busy day you may see a staff of 10 but only 3 officers processing because that the number of computer stations. What the typical person does not notice is just to the left of the stair entrance is another add on office, over its entrance a very large sign in English thats says Kap Choeng Suppression Unit. These are the boys and girls that have been charged with doing the interviews for marriage and now retirment. They also round up and escort customer for the paddy wagon.I have seen just before they open upwards of at least 50 KCI Offers at roll call in front of the flag poll. this is an everyday occurrence. Most of these personal are with the Suppression Unit. Also KCI does a lot of training of new officers. I know of KCI offers that work in Buriram for 2 to 3 months at a time and never see the KCI office. They also round up and escort customer for the paddy wagon.I have seen just before they open over 50 KCI Offers at roll call in front of the flag poll, this is an everyday occurrence. Most of these personal are with the suppression unit. The Suppression unit officers who work Buriram and a lot of Surin will use a local cop shop for communications. They are both Royal Thai Police. KCI Officers have the latest laptops and can access info on the fly, their assignments. Are they over loaded ? There is a chance that one or two new applications get dumped for this reason but are they overstafed? NO WAY. If anything they could use more personal but so could other districts.

The overstaffing question was in the past tense. If they now have more personnel, which they apparently have, then that is the answer.
The overstaffing question was in the past tense. If they now have more personnel, which they apparently have, then that is the answer.

I caught that afterwards. I'm aware that immigration was originally in the Kap Choeng Police department. My first time to Kap Choeng was November 2006 an KCI was located on the lefthand side of 214 about 1 km from the hospital. In 2006 The road from the crossing to SR was dirt the CC market was not where it is now. In 2007 KCI moved from its location that I first saw it into the location it has today. The latter part of 2007 the yellow shirts said screw you surin and closed KCI.Immigration moved from KCI to Buriram then Chok Chai on the 24 then to the poetry village. 2008 the yellow shirts got Thailand into a war the lady in red came into power she put immigration back where it came from. KCI reopened June 2012. What little I saw of KCI before it moved it was not over staffed.
Ah, I remember it well.....

I wandered lonely as a cloud, That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Not precisely, I had to Google it!
My understand on Mss TIT's is she was a graduate of Kap Choeng High and localy grown. If that is true then there is no doubt she was and is Red Shirt and a Luck of Ying supporter. She is NOT dumb and when KCI was shit canned by the yellow shirts to Korat she was not going say any else but KCI was over staffed. She did not get them TITS for being dumb. I was told by Korat directly she had been sent to Nong Khai Immigration, that was March 2012.
She was always famous for talking bollocks.

Can't agree.

She assisted me at Chok Chai some years back

Needed a re-entry, but she was confused as I had my PR book which she had never seen before. Initially she suggested I took it back to Pattaya, where the first one was issued, but when she realised it had to be issued locally, she took complete control.

More than 2 hours elapsed with her continually on the phone to Bangkok, printing off faxed forms etc. She learnt a lot that day. Wish I could have taught her more.boobs2
I've no doubt recited this before.

Back in whenever at the time Immigration decided that they required an Embassy Letter renewed each year for retirement extension, Dow's explanation was that it was the Farang embassies which were dictating the requirement to prevent Thai wives from continuing to receive pensions after the death of their Farang husbands.

I couldn't be arsed contradicting her.
Do you remember that Dow was prepared to visit Surin (where she lived at the time) and meet up with "90 day reporters" every week at the Green Garden? I think the "cost" was Bht 100.00 per head which was a hell of a saving on the cost and inconvenience of driving to KCI. It lasted about 2 - 3 weeks because Tim wanted 50% of the money (apparently).
I always found Dow to be very helpful and friendly, both to me and especially to my wife who did most of the talking. She never asked for any special favours or tea money and tried hard to navigate around the various twists and turns that abounded in plenty in the early days at KCI, before the move to the new building. On the one occasion that she had to back track on earlier advice she was most apologetic. She had said that the previous year's income letter would be fine at the next extension in three months time and then had the unpleasant task to tell us the rules had changed and we needed a new letter, 2 days before the Christmas holiday. Personally speaking, I thought she was a friendly and efficient young lady - maybe I should add Immigration Officer - a breath of fresh air in the Immigration Department.
I always found Dow to be very helpful and friendly, both to me and especially to my wife who did most of the talking. She never asked for any special favours or tea money and tried hard to navigate around the various twists and turns that abounded in plenty in the early days at KCI, before the move to the new building. On the one occasion that she had to back track on earlier advice she was most apologetic. She had said that the previous year's income letter would be fine at the next extension in three months time and then had the unpleasant task to tell us the rules had changed and we needed a new letter, 2 days before the Christmas holiday. Personally speaking, I thought she was a friendly and efficient young lady - maybe I should add Immigration Officer - a breath of fresh air in the Immigration Department.

Nice tits, to boot. boobs2

I still think she could teach Nick more than he thinks she could learn from him! :smile: