Immigration - personal info form


Resident Geek
A little while ago Immigration introduced a new form asking people to fill in some personal data, such as, bank account, what places they frequented, what car they drove and what was their email and Facebook details.

I don't think the form is pinned to this VISA/Immigration Issues section. Questions: is it still required, does it have a form number and where can I download a copy of the form?

Any help would be appreciated.
Are you joking me , next it will be a tracking device on your leg .
I did a 90 day report, retirement extension and multiple re-entry permit last week and was not asked to fill anything other than the TM 7 and TM8.
I took a "semi completed" form with me last month just in case. No-one asked for it.
I don't think the form is pinned to this VISA/Immigration Issues section. Questions: is it still required, does it have a form number and where can I download a copy of the form?

I have the form on disc Nomad. I can send it to you. However, it appears that there are more than one in circulation.
From my personal experience, it seems to have taken a back burner. It was not mentioned on my last 90 day report but was on the one before that and visa renewal before that.

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Just a side note and IMHO. NEVER NEVER NEVER give immigration any more or extra information and forums. Only give them what they ask for. When you give them extra info all your doing is forking the next person in line. As for the forum that is being asked about it has dropped off into the black hole.;)
For my first application for an extension of stay based upon retirement (2002) I took a very large envelope which contained copies of everything that I believed they could possibly want. The Immigration Officer (club foot) wanted the envelope. I told him to tell me what documents he wanted and if I had them he could have copies. Whatever he asked for I gave him but never let him near the envelope.
Thanks guys - that form is no longer required by the sounds of it. Thanks Yorky - not required. I go this Wednesday to do my annual extension based on retirement. All other paperwork sorted, plus a copy, and I am now ready to go. Many thanks, merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.
Thanks guys - that form is no longer required by the sounds of it. Thanks Yorky - not required. I go this Wednesday to do my annual extension based on retirement. All other paperwork sorted, plus a copy, and I am now ready to go. Many thanks, merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.

Why would they need that form ? With the single gateway they can track every move you make and then just subtract a gratuity from your bank account for the service.
A few days ago I had to explain that a 90 day report date was different to the annual visa renewal date. All in the best possible taste obviously. Worked out in the end, I think the baby swung it
A few days ago I had to explain that a 90 day report date was different to the annual visa renewal date. All in the best possible taste obviously. Worked out in the end, I think the baby swung it
My last two renewals have definitely been aided by the presence of my, first two year old, now three year old grandson.
I go this Wednesday to do my annual extension based on retirement.

It would be of interest if you could then confirm that you receive your extension on the same day and are not subject to "30 day awaiting approval".
It would be of interest if you could then confirm that you receive your extension on the same day and are not subject to "30 day awaiting approval".

They stopped that on the retards extension back when they SI kicked the **** from Buriram out about 4 months back.:D:D There is no waiting period for retards.:D:D
Why would they need that form ? With the single gateway they can track every move you make and then just subtract a gratuity from your bank account for the service.

Stop it Rice!!

That would suggest that Thailand was capable of joining the dots....