Monk on knife and axe rampage wreaks havoc in Surin temple

Mental health problems are no excuse. His family or the other monks should have done something. Someone could easily have been injured or killed. Off to see Buddah Mr Monk!!!
Poor fellow most likely ran out of his meds. Supply can be hap hazard. We have a person in our extended family. Sadly.
The whole health system in Thailand at this point in time is under great strain bit you won't hear about in the news.
From the same story: "In other news, police arrested a Thai man for stealing shoes, some valued as high as 50,000 baht, from multiple temples in Bangkok. The man reportedly committed the thefts not for resale but to satisfy personal urges linked to his mental illness."

Why on earth would anyone pay $1470US for a pair of shoes in the first place? And if they did, why is that the pair they would wear to the temple where they know they will have to take them off and leave them in a public place? So many questions ...