New visa rules. Here we go again !


Surin Legend
New visa rules. Here we go again !

The third category includes those with spouses or children in Thailand, requiring proof of relationship. This visa could serve as an alternative to the category O spousal visa but needs an extension every six months and necessitates leaving the country at least once per year.

The DTV does not require health insurance but mandates proof of at least 500,000 baht in assets, which can be held anywhere in the world.

Half million baht in assets anywhere in the world is less onerous than 400,000 baht in a Thai bank.
I recently went to Chong Chom and did a border hop into Cambodia and back into Thailand.
I have done away with my OA Retirement.
I have come back on 60 days entry. Which can be extended another 30 days if required.
The reason was to change to the Non O Retirement which requires no insurance.
My next step is to back to Kap Cheong Immigration to go through the rest of the process.
Both Surin and Kap Cheong Immigration have been very helpful in there advice for the process.
Only hope that continues.
Way to go Les.

How long does the 800k need to be seasoned if you are starting from scratch with the visa free extension (presumably) being converted into a 90 day non-immigrant entry, then into a 12 month extension.

I assume that no seasoning is required if the process is to go to a 90 day Non-immigrant O. - with 2 months seasoning then required for the 12 month extension .

Of no real interest but I am currently using the services of an agent for my dealings with Jomtien Immigration. I had a particular reason to use them this year (because I wanted to 'renew' my permission to stay, based on retirement, 3 months early). It cost me 6,500 Baht more than it would have, doing it myself. I will use them next year because the real benefit is only having to float up 800k for 3 months before the application. None of this 800k for 5 months/400k gor 7 months mullarky.