New Zealand Passports



As of the 30th November 2015 New Zealand passports will be valid for 10 years, Just obtained my new passport in NZ and am very pleased with the 10 year rule now.
As of the 30th November 2015 New Zealand passports will be valid for 10 years, Just obtained my new passport in NZ and am very pleased with the 10 year rule now.
Ahh, there you are, KJ. Tried contacting you earlier today. Now I understand why it was not possible. Will try a PM or an email.
As of the 30th November 2015 New Zealand passports will be valid for 10 years, Just obtained my new passport in NZ and am very pleased with the 10 year rule now.
Took the Kiwis a long time to learn from Australia, but they have finally caught up.

Now, how about the Thais grant us a 10 year Retirement extension and spend the saved resources tracking down those who need to be tracked down!

Since this is now the thread for all things New Zealand.
New Zealand has chosen the design to compete at a March 2016 referendum to change to the new one or keep the old.
I personally think it is an excellent design and hope they will adopt it. It might give us across the ditch, as we call it, a good poke in the ribs.
AB if they did give 10 year extensions they would probably increase the charge to 20-30K in a single hit. They wouldn't want to lose any revenue.
Maybe this needs moving to ??
Visa section

May I suggest a New world news sub forum be added for Australian and NZ . Then place it there.

I think we have needed a Sub forum of World News in addition of those ones for The USA and The UK for some time.

Since this is now the thread for all things New Zealand.
New Zealand has chosen the design to compete at a March 2016 referendum to change to the new one or keep the old.
I personally think it is an excellent design and hope they will adopt it. It might give us across the ditch, as we call it, a good poke in the ribs.

This is a beautiful flag in IMHO. Not only for a nation but for their international competition teams.
[Possibly the Maoris may feel quite differently about the emblem of the country.]

The black fern is legend. I believe this flag brings it closer to its cousins.
May I suggest a New world news sub forum be added for Australian and NZ . Then place it there.

I think we have needed a Sub forum of World News in addition of those ones for The USA and The UK for some time.
We have begged for that culturally-superior section previously, without success. I, too, think the time has come!
AB if they did give 10 year extensions they would probably increase the charge to 20-30K in a single hit. They wouldn't want to lose any revenue.
I would be happy to pay 10 years up-front to reduce the hassle.
Who are the cousins? The Honiora people that were there first and got eaten by the maori invaders.

Sorry Surin , do not pass go. :(

Hint : Look at the proud banner that represents Australia. Look at the banner that Rice posted though the stars are red as opposed to white on blue. (I didn't want to appease the Poms by writing 'fellow convicts'.)
Cousins simply sounds more good-natured. Wouldn't one think so ? :rolleyes:
My history must be lacking. I never knew that NZ was used as a penal colony for convicts deported from the UK. Personally, I would never refer to New Zealanders as coming from ex-convicts. Now Aussies, that a different story!! LOL