I had the heads up from our illustrious and hard working moderator a couple of days ago that some other sites were using the map on their Facebook pages. Not, I may add, the Grace Hotel.
The map is tailored for SuringFarang.com members and contains information that is considered useful to their members. It is also in English and not Thai. How useful it is to the local Thai population is anyone's guess.
Where do we stand with regards to copyright? Haven't a clue. The map was not produced as a money making venture and indeed no money or other inducements have ever been asked for or received. The map was produced as a hobby not for commercial gain.
From my point of view, I think there is little that can be done to stop others using the map. Lets face it, we all copy from the internet anyway. So, on the premise if you cannot beat them join them - why not let others have use of the map on their websites. However, as with Mircosoft - updates are restricted to SurinFarang.com only.