Now have to show funds Savannakhet for an O-Multy based on marriage.


Kap Chong R Us Member
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ID: 11 Posted 33 minutes ago

Post from a expats in Isaan Facebook group.

"Be advised, the multi non "O" visa rules at Savannakhet have changed. You now need to show your bank book, with a minimum of 200 Grand. I was lucky I had mine with me. Several gents in front did not and were refused. 20/6/2017."

I would call it a confirmed report.
From another FB Page :
There is a thread posted this morning on the Expats In Isaan / Northeast Thailand group where someone said that thethaiconsulate in Savannakhet is now requiring a bank book showing 200K baht to issue year-long multi-entry Non-O's based on marriage to athai.

Right after I read the post, I called the Savannakhet consulate and they said that NO you don't need to show banked money IF you have the copies of the marriage certificates (and bring the original rose bordered one if you were married in thailand).

I also saw someone asked about it in the long running Savannakhet Non-Ovisathread on theThai VisaForum too.

If anyone finds information about it posted on the inter-web, please share it, but let's wait and see IF this is a policy change before getting all crazy about it.

P;ease visit the group to be uptodate. Few guys been there yesterday and today and no proof of money required.
The Thai Visa thread is now up to 79 Posts and no one is any the wiser. But Thai Visa Admin has talked to the consulate and they have confirmed that they have started to ask for income to a few select nationalities. Actual post below.
Truth be known it is probably not nationalities but individuals.

Jonathan Fairfield
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ID: 69 Posted 1 hour ago

Well just more confusion.
We've just got off the phone with the consulate in Savannakhet who could only confirm that UK nationals do not need to show 200,000 THB when applying for Non O.
However, the officer told us that they are asking for the requirement from some nationalities but said they could not specify which nationalities over the phone.
I'm expecting a call back from the consulate this afternoon to try and get more clarity. I'll update here as soon as I hear anything.
One has to wonder who is determining these requirements. Is it the Government? Or the head of immigration or just the whim of the particular embassy staff?
WTF is Linden Arden? And what did he steal?

There I was thinking he was gushing on about some Pommie thing, I knew nothing about. Obviously not!

With the £ dropping like a brick I may not have sufficient funds in the future for my retirement visa extension. We may all need to go to Savannakhet for a 12 months multi before the year is out. ;;what;;;;amazing;;;;cry;;

I am afraid it is going to get worse before it finally gets better NM. With all the current state of play.
With the £ dropping like a brick I may not have sufficient funds in the future for my retirement visa extension. We may all need to go to Savannakhet for a 12 months multi before the year is out. ;;what;;;;amazing;;;;cry;;

There goes your historical TM card, Nomad!
There goes your historical TM card, Nomad!
I will have you know I was all for Boris Johnson until he was stabbed in the back by a certain Mr Gove. I am still very much in favour of Boris for P.M. I have never been supportive of, and never could or would support, any extreme left-wing Labour leader, especially the likes of Jeremy Corbyn. If I thought times were a little tough right now I hate to think what it would be like under the Corbynistas. The Country would really be heading for the dogs and very fast too.

(And I know full well what your political background is too.)
Wasn't talking about the politics of it. You're talking about going to Savannakhet and the TM card you often referred to will be no more.
Just the latest update from the FB - Group where I get my Information posted by the Admin : I am closing this topic because it the person who originally posted about it got his wires crossed.
He'd seen people ahead of him being denied TOURIST visas for not having 20K baht in their bank accounts, AND he misread the signage stating that tourist visa applicants need 20K in their bank.

There is NO policy change in the issuing of year-long, multi-entry Non-O visas based on marriage in Savannakhet