Omurice in Surin


Well-Known Member
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I'd never heard of omurice 'till now. We had some cold rice, and chicken thigh left over from a casserole made on Thursday, so I had a go at adapting the recipe to produce something passable. It worked! We finished a good lunch based on the ingredients in the recipe, plus a few extras from the casserole. Nice...
I'd never heard of omurice 'till now. We had some cold rice, and chicken thigh left over from a casserole made on Thursday, so I had a go at adapting the recipe to produce something passable. It worked! We finished a good lunch based on the ingredients in the recipe, plus a few extras from the casserole. Nice...
The egg just looks like a nice loose omelet, but the sauce and the rice... not sure what the flavor profile is supposed to be. Been wanting to try for years.

Good luck Sterling at the dentist and with your search for omurice.
No issue with the dentist. Just a check on the implant. Should be a simple in and out.

What to eat while I'm there? Sad that I consider Surin a culinary experience destination.

Looks great. I'll have to give it a go one day. Unfortunately, the menu, while extensive, does not seem to include Omurice.

The search continues...

My favorite Japanese restaurant in Surin. They were the first in town years ago and are still the best around if you like Japanese cuisine imho.
My favorite Japanese restaurant in Surin. They were the first in town years ago and are still the best around if you like Japanese cuisine imho.

I had an opportunity to go to Hakuzou this weekend. -Happy-happy, Joy-joy -They DID in fact have Omurice, (they called it Omu Rice (with a space), and was listed on a smaller, separate menu)

First, while what they offered was 'omurice', it was not the type/style shown in my video. It was fully cooked throughout and came set beside the chicken/rice. And before you say, "Same thing" Imagine a perfect Well-Done Rib-Eye, when you ordered it Mid-Rare.

Second, while I ordered the Omu Rice, I was served Omu Soba (which is an omlet filled with Soba noodles). Good, but not what I had my heart set on.

I kept my choices unadventurous on purpose as I didn't know what to expect. I ordered:
**Omu Rice, Like I said, I was served the Omu Soba, and it was HUGE, not the little thing they show on the menu. Very tasty.
**Green Tea (they called it something else but tasted and looked like my favorite, Genmiachai. Freshly brewed and very good),
**Bottled water, It came in a high-end glass bottle, not the 7-11 plastic. I would have been okay with plastic, I just mention if others care.
**Beer (Asahi was not listed on the menu. When my Singha came, and I mentioned that I was puzzled at Japan's favorite, Asahi's absence. She said it was off-menu and available by request. Keep the fact that there are many things that are not listed on the menu and that they have several menus other than the three they give you as you enter. Should you find yourself there and wanting something specific, just ask. I know for next time),
**Sea Weed Salad - a very generous portion. Easily twice the size I'd been served in any Japanese place in the past.
**Three different roll sushi. Hakuzou Roll, Rainbow Roll, and a Crunchy Roll. Hakuzou, and Rainbow both came with four pieces (The picture showed eight pieces.), and the Crunchy Roll came with ten pieces (Crunchy was rolled in bread crumbs and fried. The flavors were bland on the Crunchy Roll and came out with a gummy texture. Just me, but I'll take a pass on the 'crunchy' in the future. Given my druthers, I'd double up on the Hakuzou Roll. So would Wife.

Total 930฿

Communication was a slight issue (thank goodness for pictures). What they called things, did not match the Japanese names that I had learned to call them. Wife, not being familiar with Japanese food (or for that matter, Wasabi [I did warn you]), could not help. That said, the staff are not stupid. Example: When I stupidly pointed to the Dobin Mushi, they understood I wanted Tea and showed me where it was on the menu.

Personally, I prefer a bit more vinegar in my sushi rice, but you can pick a place to death over minor details like that. Overall, I give it an 8.5/10. Very good flavors that did NOT have the vacusealed mass production feel of places I've found in the mall, and elsewhere.

Wife and I are both very happy with Hakuzou and will return. Next I'll try some of the set menus. The Foie Gras Nigiri looked interesting as well.

The Omurice hunt continues...

I had an opportunity to go to Hakuzou this weekend. -Happy-happy, Joy-joy -They DID in fact have Omurice, (they called it Omu Rice (with a space), and was listed on a smaller, separate menu)

First, while what they offered was 'omurice', it was not the type/style shown in my video. It was fully cooked throughout and came set beside the chicken/rice. And before you say, "Same thing" Imagine a perfect Well-Done Rib-Eye, when you ordered it Mid-Rare.

Second, while I ordered the Omu Rice, I was served Omu Soba (which is an omlet filled with Soba noodles). Good, but not what I had my heart set on.

I kept my choices unadventurous on purpose as I didn't know what to expect. I ordered:
**Omu Rice, Like I said, I was served the Omu Soba, and it was HUGE, not the little thing they show on the menu. Very tasty.
**Green Tea (they called it something else but tasted and looked like my favorite, Genmiachai. Freshly brewed and very good),
**Bottled water, It came in a high-end glass bottle, not the 7-11 plastic. I would have been okay with plastic, I just mention if others care.
**Beer (Asahi was not listed on the menu. When my Singha came, and I mentioned that I was puzzled at Japan's favorite, Asahi's absence. She said it was off-menu and available by request. Keep the fact that there are many things that are not listed on the menu and that they have several menus other than the three they give you as you enter. Should you find yourself there and wanting something specific, just ask. I know for next time),
**Sea Weed Salad - a very generous portion. Easily twice the size I'd been served in any Japanese place in the past.
**Three different roll sushi. Hakuzou Roll, Rainbow Roll, and a Crunchy Roll. Hakuzou, and Rainbow both came with four pieces (The picture showed eight pieces.), and the Crunchy Roll came with ten pieces (Crunchy was rolled in bread crumbs and fried. The flavors were bland on the Crunchy Roll and came out with a gummy texture. Just me, but I'll take a pass on the 'crunchy' in the future. Given my druthers, I'd double up on the Hakuzou Roll. So would Wife.

Total 930฿

Communication was a slight issue (thank goodness for pictures). What they called things, did not match the Japanese names that I had learned to call them. Wife, not being familiar with Japanese food (or for that matter, Wasabi [I did warn you]), could not help. That said, the staff are not stupid. Example: When I stupidly pointed to the Dobin Mushi, they understood I wanted Tea and showed me where it was on the menu.

Personally, I prefer a bit more vinegar in my sushi rice, but you can pick a place to death over minor details like that. Overall, I give it an 8.5/10. Very good flavors that did NOT have the vacusealed mass production feel of places I've found in the mall, and elsewhere.

Wife and I are both very happy with Hakuzou and will return. Next I'll try some of the set menus. The Foie Gras Nigiri looked interesting as well.

The Omurice hunt continues...

Only a suggestion mate, make it for yourself, worth a try. I Googled Omurice---looks simple enough.
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I had an opportunity to go to Hakuzou this weekend. -Happy-happy, Joy-joy -They DID in fact have Omurice, (they called it Omu Rice (with a space), and was listed on a smaller, separate menu)

First, while what they offered was 'omurice', it was not the type/style shown in my video. It was fully cooked throughout and came set beside the chicken/rice. And before you say, "Same thing" Imagine a perfect Well-Done Rib-Eye, when you ordered it Mid-Rare.

Second, while I ordered the Omu Rice, I was served Omu Soba (which is an omlet filled with Soba noodles). Good, but not what I had my heart set on.

I kept my choices unadventurous on purpose as I didn't know what to expect. I ordered:
**Omu Rice, Like I said, I was served the Omu Soba, and it was HUGE, not the little thing they show on the menu. Very tasty.
**Green Tea (they called it something else but tasted and looked like my favorite, Genmiachai. Freshly brewed and very good),
**Bottled water, It came in a high-end glass bottle, not the 7-11 plastic. I would have been okay with plastic, I just mention if others care.
**Beer (Asahi was not listed on the menu. When my Singha came, and I mentioned that I was puzzled at Japan's favorite, Asahi's absence. She said it was off-menu and available by request. Keep the fact that there are many things that are not listed on the menu and that they have several menus other than the three they give you as you enter. Should you find yourself there and wanting something specific, just ask. I know for next time),
**Sea Weed Salad - a very generous portion. Easily twice the size I'd been served in any Japanese place in the past.
**Three different roll sushi. Hakuzou Roll, Rainbow Roll, and a Crunchy Roll. Hakuzou, and Rainbow both came with four pieces (The picture showed eight pieces.), and the Crunchy Roll came with ten pieces (Crunchy was rolled in bread crumbs and fried. The flavors were bland on the Crunchy Roll and came out with a gummy texture. Just me, but I'll take a pass on the 'crunchy' in the future. Given my druthers, I'd double up on the Hakuzou Roll. So would Wife.

Total 930฿

Communication was a slight issue (thank goodness for pictures). What they called things, did not match the Japanese names that I had learned to call them. Wife, not being familiar with Japanese food (or for that matter, Wasabi [I did warn you]), could not help. That said, the staff are not stupid. Example: When I stupidly pointed to the Dobin Mushi, they understood I wanted Tea and showed me where it was on the menu.

Personally, I prefer a bit more vinegar in my sushi rice, but you can pick a place to death over minor details like that. Overall, I give it an 8.5/10. Very good flavors that did NOT have the vacusealed mass production feel of places I've found in the mall, and elsewhere.

Wife and I are both very happy with Hakuzou and will return. Next I'll try some of the set menus. The Foie Gras Nigiri looked interesting as well.

The Omurice hunt continues...


A nice, full and happy review (though sorry no actual photos included). :)

So for US$27.oo how would you rate your experience based strictly on quality, presentation and value compared to Stateside and/or Japan ?

(Also as an American I'm curious as to what percentage gratuity you provided your helpful servers with.)
A nice, full and happy review (though sorry no actual photos included). :)

So for US$27.oo how would you rate your experience based strictly on quality, presentation and value compared to Stateside and/or Japan ?

(Also as an American I'm curious as to what percentage gratuity you provided your helpful servers with.)
Never been to Japan, so cannot compare to there, and the only Japanese Restaurants since coming to Thailand were the Mall, and Street Stall Sushi I mentioned.

I gave a rating of 8.5/10 based on quality only. If you throw value into the mix maybe... 9.0/10? This meal would have easily run twice this in the States. The Crunchy quality pulls it down a bit. Presentation is not high on my considerations. As long as it doesn't look a mess, I'm good.

As for tipping? I got tired of getting chewed out by Wife for the 10% I used to leave. Now I let Wife handle the gratuity. I think she left 30฿, which for her is mid-high. She insists that gratuity is not expected, but leaves something as a compromise to me. Back when I was still tipping 10%, I've literally had the server chase us down the street thinking we'd accidentally dropped money.

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Only a suggestion mate, make it for yourself, worth a try. I Googled Omurice---looks simple enough.
I've tried many times.

Mine come out either fully cooked or would break into scramble in the pan. When I was married and living in the States I would attempt for my daughter (Obsessed with all things Japanese) about twice a month. I got to where I could make something that LOOKED right but would never split open like it should.

I had an opportunity to go to Hakuzou this weekend. -Happy-happy, Joy-joy -They DID in fact have Omurice, (they called it Omu Rice (with a space), and was listed on a smaller, separate menu)

First, while what they offered was 'omurice', it was not the type/style shown in my video. It was fully cooked throughout and came set beside the chicken/rice. And before you say, "Same thing" Imagine a perfect Well-Done Rib-Eye, when you ordered it Mid-Rare.

Second, while I ordered the Omu Rice, I was served Omu Soba (which is an omlet filled with Soba noodles). Good, but not what I had my heart set on.

I kept my choices unadventurous on purpose as I didn't know what to expect. I ordered:
**Omu Rice, Like I said, I was served the Omu Soba, and it was HUGE, not the little thing they show on the menu. Very tasty.
**Green Tea (they called it something else but tasted and looked like my favorite, Genmiachai. Freshly brewed and very good),
**Bottled water, It came in a high-end glass bottle, not the 7-11 plastic. I would have been okay with plastic, I just mention if others care.
**Beer (Asahi was not listed on the menu. When my Singha came, and I mentioned that I was puzzled at Japan's favorite, Asahi's absence. She said it was off-menu and available by request. Keep the fact that there are many things that are not listed on the menu and that they have several menus other than the three they give you as you enter. Should you find yourself there and wanting something specific, just ask. I know for next time),
**Sea Weed Salad - a very generous portion. Easily twice the size I'd been served in any Japanese place in the past.
**Three different roll sushi. Hakuzou Roll, Rainbow Roll, and a Crunchy Roll. Hakuzou, and Rainbow both came with four pieces (The picture showed eight pieces.), and the Crunchy Roll came with ten pieces (Crunchy was rolled in bread crumbs and fried. The flavors were bland on the Crunchy Roll and came out with a gummy texture. Just me, but I'll take a pass on the 'crunchy' in the future. Given my druthers, I'd double up on the Hakuzou Roll. So would Wife.

Total 930฿

Communication was a slight issue (thank goodness for pictures). What they called things, did not match the Japanese names that I had learned to call them. Wife, not being familiar with Japanese food (or for that matter, Wasabi [I did warn you]), could not help. That said, the staff are not stupid. Example: When I stupidly pointed to the Dobin Mushi, they understood I wanted Tea and showed me where it was on the menu.

Personally, I prefer a bit more vinegar in my sushi rice, but you can pick a place to death over minor details like that. Overall, I give it an 8.5/10. Very good flavors that did NOT have the vacusealed mass production feel of places I've found in the mall, and elsewhere.

Wife and I are both very happy with Hakuzou and will return. Next I'll try some of the set menus. The Foie Gras Nigiri looked interesting as well.

The Omurice hunt continues...

I and the family have many favorites there. I like the sliced beef Teriyaki, the potato salad (both potato and sweet potato in the dish), the big avocado salad, the different mixed sushi/sashimi dishes, and my daughter and wife love the Tiger shrimp roll. We have been going to the Hakuzou Japanese restaurant since they first opened over by the old Italian coffee shop. They moved later to a place on the klong road, and finally ended up where they are now for some years. The owners are excellent wonderful people and we have become friends and solid customers over the years. They had, and also worked in, a restaurant in Japan and moved back here and started the first (and best imho) Japanese restaurant in Surin and the area. Large menu, and always best to ask for the boss if there is anything you may require if you don't see it on their menus. 2 wasabi styles as well, mild and hot, and the hot is very spicy. Can take your breath away! LOL We've been going there for many years. Good rooms for private parties, good air con, comfortable seating, plenty of parking, etc. Glad you enjoyed the place. (By the way they also do some good Maine lobster dishes if you want to splurge occasionally.)
Wide variety, best fish dishes anywhere, oysters, lobster, beef done right, and just such a lot to choose from and fall in love with. They do it right. I sometimes bring along a book and treat myself for a light lunch from time to time, alone, in peace and quiet air con and attentive staff. :)

I will add, hot and/or cold sake in small or large pitcher, a good wine selection most times (I am particular to Chilean wines), cold beers (Asahi available), though my wife and I will usually split a couple large Heinekens.