Prakhonchai Nick

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I have 2 UK Passports, granted to me due to the many trips made to Cambodia

One UK passport is nearly full, and needs renewing. This passport contains my Re-entry permit, multiple entry , vald until Jan 2017. I would prefer to renew this passport at the end of this year.

My 2nd passport still has 5 pages remaining..

My question is, can I leave Thailand using my 2nd passport, and show the re-entry in my first passport? I know this can be done when one has 2 passports, one of which is new and one cancelled, but mine are both current and far fron new. My PR book always cuases confusion especially at Chong Chom. 2 passports may be just to much for them!
I used to have two UK passports for business reasons, e.g. requiring to travel when one passport was being processed for a visa for another destination. When I tried to renew the "second", the BKK embassy would not do so unless I could produce a letter from my employer. I had already retired by then so I didn't bother.

I've never left any country showing a passport which did not contain the entry stamp for said country.

I would say that you'll be pushing your luck.
Both passports show entry stamps into Thailand.

I can leave on either passport, but it is just the re-entry that concerns me.
Nick it looks to me a you have been lucky on this. My understanding what you have done is big fat NO NO. My advice is go to immigration and sort this out.
Have you actually entered Thailand on one passport and then left on the other? Did you transfer your TM 6 to the other? No wonder they were confused.
Have you actually entered Thailand on one passport and then left on the other? Did you transfer your TM 6 to the other? No wonder they were confused.

Having PR, I need a new TM6 when leaving Thailand, and re-enter on the other half of the TM6. (Same as the Thais)

That alone caused confusion at Chomg Chom a few months ago with the Immi Officer insisting I filled out a new TM6. He failed to understand the nuances of PR, but after numerous phone calls, and an ever lengthening queue of people behind me, he succumbed
Nick you can only swap passport by air never by land. With you on PR I suggest you bit the bullet and get a new pp.
my understanding is that you are required to leave the country with the passport you entered on, so as to show an entry and exit stamp
on re-entry I believe you can stamp the second passport, referencing the visa on your first, even if that passport is now invalid as you have renewed it, however you do still have to produce it at immigration on re-entry.
I have 2 UK Passports, granted to me due to the many trips made to Cambodia

One UK passport is nearly full, and needs renewing. This passport contains my Re-entry permit, multiple entry , vald until Jan 2017. I would prefer to renew this passport at the end of this year.

My 2nd passport still has 5 pages remaining..

My question is, can I leave Thailand using my 2nd passport, and show the re-entry in my first passport? I know this can be done when one has 2 passports, one of which is new and one cancelled, but mine are both current and far fron new. My PR book always cuases confusion especially at Chong Chom. 2 passports may be just to much for them!

The problem is you have 2 active passports and you can only use the one your entered Thailand on. As i said you can not swap passports at a land crossing only by air.
The problem is you have 2 active passports and you can only use the one your entered Thailand on. As i said you can not swap passports at a land crossing only by air.

I have 2 active passports, have entered Thailand on both, and am here now.

If I only had 1 passport, which had my re-entry in it, and then obtained a new one, I could leave on the new passport and show the re-entry in the old one. The only difference here is that there are 2 active passsports (both showing my arrival in Thailand) , but the full one does not have the re-entry.

Looks like I will have to go for the new one now, but since both are sent to an agent to take to VFS, will have to wait as I need one of the passports to deal with the Land Office re a house the next week.
I have 2 active passports, have entered Thailand on both, and am here now.

If I only had 1 passport, which had my re-entry in it, and then obtained a new one, I could leave on the new passport and show the re-entry in the old one. The only difference here is that there are 2 active passsports (both showing my arrival in Thailand) , but the full one does not have the re-entry.

Looks like I will have to go for the new one now, but since both are sent to an agent to take to VFS, will have to wait as I need one of the passports to deal with the Land Office re a house the next week.

IMHO you have made the correct call.:D