passports for Thai children



Thinking ahead to when we want to travel overseas with our grandson....
At what age do Thai children need a passport?
Is it right from the word go or can they be included on a parent's passport?
At what age do Thai children require an ID card?
Closer to home, can Thai nationals still travel to Cambodia just on Thai ID card or is a passport now necessary?
I guess things will change once ASEAN begins but would appreciate your advice on the current situation, guys.
Thinking ahead to when we want to travel overseas with our grandson....
At what age do Thai children need a passport?
Is it right from the word go or can they be included on a parent's passport?
At what age do Thai children require an ID card?
Closer to home, can Thai nationals still travel to Cambodia just on Thai ID card or is a passport now necessary?
I guess things will change once ASEAN begins but would appreciate your advice on the current situation, guys.

1. Passport required from birth.
2. Never included on parent's pp.
3. ID card required at 15 years of age.
4. Pasport required now for Thai National to cross over into Cambodia even if only going to the casino.
1. Passport required from birth.
2. Never included on parent's pp.
3. ID card required at 15 years of age.
4. Pasport required now for Thai National to cross over into Cambodia even if only going to the casino.

Thanks, GL. Clear and concise.
Thanks, GL. Clear and concise.

Number 4. Add to leave Thailand at any crossing. KCI just happens to be at M&D eating and drinking.Chokdee5 BTW closes PP office to Surin and KCI is Ubon. Wife just did here's 3 weeks back at Ubon.
Sorry GL not quite right.

The 2011 National Identification CardAct, requires that Thaisaged over seven now require an ID card and it must be renewed at aged 15.
1. Passport required from birth.
2. Never included on parent's pp.
3. ID card required at 15 years of age.
4. Pasport required now for Thai National to cross over into Cambodia even if only going to the casino.

No 3 incorrect

An ID card is required at I believe at age 7/8.Had to take my kids to the amphur when it was first introduced 2/3 years ago. Formerly 15. At 15 it can be renewed as the child is then considered to be no longer a child. Boys become Mr and no longer Master.
Sorry GL not quite right.

The 2011 National Identification CardAct, requires that Thaisaged over seven now require an ID card and it must be renewed at aged 15.

You beat me to it by 6 mins.

Whilst it needs to be renewed at age 15, the original one issued expires long after age 15. My son had to have a new one upon the orders of the passport office.
You beat me to it by 6 mins.

Whilst it needs to be renewed at age 15, the original one issued expires long after age 15. My son had to have a new one upon the orders of the passport office.

Its normally GL that pips me at the post by seconds. Sorry Nick.
We got our sons' passports, both Thai and US when he was 6 months old. He left Thailand on the US passport arrived in US on the same, and reentered Thailand with his Thai. We just had both passports renewed last year since they are only good for 5 years (US 10 years when he turns 16).

I am not sure if you have, or are planning on adopting your grandson, but you may want to consider UK citizenship for him if that's an option. It certainly makes traveling and visas much easier and less hassle being a dual citizen. We got our sons US birth abroad certificate when he was 6 months old, and immediately applied for his US passport.
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