Visa exemption extension


Surin Legend
I need to go to the immigration office in Kap Choeng for an exemption, since my visa exemption expire at April 15th, and I will leave for work again at April 19th.

I have never done this process before, since I always have had a 4 week work / 4 week holiday rotation.
So I have some question regarding this:
How long time before my visa exemption expire can I go down there and get the extension?
What documents do I need? The more precise info here the better it is :)
I have not done this TM30 register anytime before. Do I need to do this before I go to the immigration office? Can it be done online?
Ask your wife to phone KC Immigation today. You will receive the information that you are seeking. Make sure your wife gets the name of the officer and accompanies you to KCI if you can not make your extension on-line.

Then you can post up what you have learned for other members that might be in a similar situation.
Good luck.
I need to go to the immigration office in Kap Choeng for an exemption, since my visa exemption expire at April 15th, and I will leave for work again at April 19th.

I have never done this process before, since I always have had a 4 week work / 4 week holiday rotation.
So I have some question regarding this:
How long time before my visa exemption expire can I go down there and get the extension?
What documents do I need? The more precise info here the better it is :)
I have not done this TM30 register anytime before. Do I need to do this before I go to the immigration office? Can it be done online?

On line extensions are not possible. As Coffee says take your boss with you. Make sure she has her ID and house book with her. You have a few choices for an extension, a 7 days extension. a 30 day extension or if legally married with ampur certificate 60 days. All of these are 1900 baht each. Make sure you have a couple passport photos and you can come down to KCI now if you want and apply. KCI is never open on a weekend and KCI will be closed April 13,14,15,16,17 for Songkran. Any extension you get is tacked on to your existing visa exempt so you do no lose any of its time. As for the TM30 if need your boss can do it while at KCI.
I hope you wrote your landlords address on your TM6 otherwise she will be fined for having a foreigner on her premises when queried.
If you do not require more then 7 extra days, a boarder run may be an option. But then again a visa for Laos or Cambodia and travel may exceed your 1900 B.
What about that new rule muted that a visa exempt can now be converted into an O now GL?
Good point by Rice. You could do a boarder hop at Chong Chom and depending on your nationality get a 15 or 30 day extension for free, just one problem Cambodia will sting you 1500 baht for their visa and another 300 baht for the U-turn. You save 100 baht but the crossing is another 12 km pass KCI so your looking at a net lose. On the other hand there is a casino at the crossing OR for 350 baht each way you could take an air con bus to Siem Reap for a few days. 2.5 hours and you would be on PUB Street drinking real beer.
Good point by Rice. You could do a boarder hop at Chong Chom and depending on your nationality get a 15 or 30 day extension for free, just one problem Cambodia will sting you 1500 baht for their visa and another 300 baht for the U-turn. You save 100 baht but the crossing is another 12 km pass KCI so your looking at a net lose. On the other hand there is a casino at the crossing OR for 350 baht each way you could take an air con bus to Siem Reap for a few days. 2.5 hours and you would be on PUB Street drinking real beer.

2.5 hours and you would be on PUB Street drinking real beer.

Just 50cents a glass! I will be there next week!
Thanks for all the answers.

I will go down there tomorrow with my girlfriend and all the thinkable documents I could possible need.

I know a border hop is an alternative, but I am afraid that I might have problem getting back into Thailand again. I have about 50 entries into Thailand in the passport, and they start questioning me at the airport every time I arrive now.
I was glad to get a new passport as my old one had around 25 entries and three over stays of one day each. They gave me a hell of a time over it.
Three one day overstays in 10 Years. For fork sake!
I had one overstay back in 2000. One day out at Aranyapratet. Got real grief at Don Muang upon my next entry.
Luckily I have never overstayed at all in Thailand. But the immigration officers start wonder if I work here, since I stay here every second month.

But I have enough documentation that prove that I work outside the country.
just tell them you've got a very "demanding" wife Jeppe, that will make their day !!!
Then I am back home in Surin again.
I copied everything i think they needed before I went to immigration, and they was actually very happy with all the documents, so I did not need to take a single copy at the immigration office :)
According to people I spoke with there, it was a busy day with a lot more people than usually. But I was ther at 0845, and out again 1010. So I want complain about the time.
Then I am back home in Surin again.
I copied everything i think they needed before I went to immigration, and they was actually very happy with all the documents, so I did not need to take a single copy at the immigration office :)
According to people I spoke with there, it was a busy day with a lot more people than usually. But I was ther at 0845, and out again 1010. So I want complain about the time.

So what extension did you get?o_O
I get an 30 days extension. I did not start explaining that I only needed 7 days.

And they did not questioning about that I have not registered within 24 hours where I stay, so my GF was not fined for that :) Maybe because I wrote the address on the arrival card?