When a 3-Year-Old Communicates Well In English


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Sadly most of his Thai family does not understand his attempt at conceptual humour in English.
"It [the excavator] ate the rice."


His preschool classroom teacher wants him to communicate in Thai.
Good thing he is enrolled in the school's International English Program, eh. :)

Today the parents of only twelve students came to the Teacher/ Parent Class Meeting.
There are 26 students in this classroom.
So exactly how effective was the teacher's text to parents in Thai ?
Ghin krup. :cool:

His English language evaluation report was almost opposite his Thai language evaluation.
The Thai teacher inquired as to 'which religion he is taught at home' ... =/~ ... meaning where are his Thai roots.

Obviously Grandpa has had too much influence. Sadly I'll have to back off and have his mother read him stories in Thai language.
(I'll save 'Sod off' and 'Go pound cheese' for a later date. :) )
What is seen on the surface is not what is going on. He only prefers to communicate the way he does. It does not mean he is not absorbing Thai culture and language all the while. Kids are amazing in this respect. Don't let this narrow view prognosis effect your relationship. Grandpa is not going to be around for ever you know. But he will be around for a good time to be, :)
What is seen on the surface is not what is going on. He only prefers to communicate the way he does. It does not mean he is not absorbing Thai culture and language all the while. Kids are amazing in this respect. Don't let this narrow view prognosis effect your relationship. Grandpa is not going to be around for ever you know. But he will be around for a good time to be, :)
Both our girls were born and raised in Australia with a strong grasp of both languages so, WTF, narrow minded paddy rats perhaps.