90 Day Reporting to become stricter in Thailand

YEAH, YEAH, I know GL...takes an overnight stay in Suvannakhet to get the 'O' nowadays!
YEAH, YEAH, I know GL...takes an overnight stay in Suvannakhet to get the 'O' nowadays!

Not talking to you as you have this sorted out T.I.C.but others have not a clue. What your doing makes complete sense. Now that you have joined this discussion wonder how long tell Savannhakhet changes this policy. AND BTW has your address been reported to KCI by the owner of of the house you stay in. shrug1Just asking.
Off I went to Suvannakhet, same day got an 'O' based on marriage.

Am I correct in thinking that you do not need to show either proof of income or proof of funds in a Thai bank for said visa? I know I did not 15 years ago.
Not talking to you as you have this sorted out T.I.C.but others have not a clue. What your doing makes complete sense. Now that you have joined this discussion wonder how long tell Savannhakhet changes this policy. AND BTW has your address been reported to KCI by the owner of of the house you stay in. shrug1Just asking.

Address reported GL. BOI visa had to be ratified through Kap Cheong. Also had to get confirmation when I renewed my Thai driver license.
I own the house I live in (court ruling).
Am I correct in thinking that you do not need to show either proof of income or proof of funds in a Thai bank for said visa? I know I did not 15 years ago.

That's correct Yorky..still the same. Just need original marriage certificate document, a copy of your wife's I/D card etc. Also pays to take the document obtained from the local (or any) Amphur declaring you're still married. I didn't take it last time and not asked for it, but will in future.
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Nope. Of course, it was required that you leave the country on each 90th day at the latest.

Did that by accident for 18 months at one stage, with two trips to sunny Tasmania, intermingled with three Prakhonchai Expert tours to Cambodia and Laos.

The irony followed when I eventually turned up at Jomtien a couple of weeks early, obtained another extension and returned for a 90-day check 90 days after the extension date. Wrong! Should have been there 90 days after the date I applied and was granted the extension (date on which I had made my last appearance at Immigration). With 7 days grace, I was just 3 days too late ("I'll do it Monday, not Friday afternoon!") Fine: 2000 baht.

When I suggested that 2,000 baht was 'paeng', the reply was, "Can be 5,000 baht!" Whipped out my money, paid quickly and left.

One of those frustrating occasions when you try to do everything correctly in Thailand, yet it still comes back to bite you!
Did that by accident for 18 months at one stage, with two trips to sunny Tasmania, intermingled with three Prakhonchai Expert tours to Cambodia and Laos.

The irony followed when I eventually turned up at Jomtien a couple of weeks early, obtained another extension and returned for a 90-day check 90 days after the extension date. Wrong! Should have been there 90 days after the date I applied and was granted the extension (date on which I had made my last appearance at Immigration). With 7 days grace, I was just 3 days too late ("I'll do it Monday, not Friday afternoon!") Fine: 2000 baht.

When I suggested that 2,000 baht was 'paeng', the reply was, "Can be 5,000 baht!" Whipped out my money, paid quickly and left.

One of those frustrating occasions when you try to do everything correctly in Thailand, yet it still comes back to bite you!

You were on a marriage extension not an O-visa based on marriage like Surin which his requires that he departs Thailand every 90 days. And yes immigration can fine you up to 5000 baht for being late on a 90 day report.
You were on a marriage extension not an O-visa based on marriage like Surin which his requires that he departs Thailand every 90 days. And yes immigration can fine you up to 5000 baht for being late on a 90 day report.

I was actually on a Retirement extension, rather than a Marriage extension. Similar penalties, I guess.
Also pays to take the document obtained from the local (or any) Amphur declaring you're still married. I didn't take it last time and not asked for it, but will in future.

Just a thought ! You have Your Kor Ror 3 Original marriage certificate and you need a Kor Ror 2 Extract marriage certificate to show you are still married.
But what is the case for persons that are married overseas, how do they prove they are still married?
Just a thought ! You have Your Kor Ror 3 Original marriage certificate and you need a Kor Ror 2 Extract marriage certificate to show you are still married.
But what is the case for persons that are married overseas, how do they prove they are still married?

No idea Rice...maybe a stat dec with the Embassy stamp would suffice or register the marriage at an Amphur to make it simple.
Just a thought ! You have Your Kor Ror 3 Original marriage certificate and you need a Kor Ror 2 Extract marriage certificate to show you are still married.
But what is the case for persons that are married overseas, how do they prove they are still married?

Turn up at Immigration with the 'trouble and strife' (Cockney slang = wife). She'll nag them to death if they suggest your are not still married.
Turn up at Immigration with the 'trouble and strife' (Cockney slang = wife). She'll nag them to death if they suggest your are not still married.

Err you forgot, I just recently tried that. Now I am back in Oz collecting my Original Kor Ror 3. Nag them NM "She went ballistic". I can't wait for my next visit to KCI.

Had to settle some other issues anyway back in Oz so in the end it does not matter.
Turn up at Immigration with the 'trouble and strife' (Cockney slang = wife). She'll nag them to death if they suggest your are not still married.

And getting her to dress in that pinny may help?

[Pinny - northern slang for pinafore, apron for protection during cooking]
Just a thought ! You have Your Kor Ror 3 Original marriage certificate and you need a Kor Ror 2 Extract marriage certificate to show you are still married.
But what is the case for persons that are married overseas, how do they prove they are still married?

A person married overseas has (1) go to their embassy with the certificate and get and affidavit from their embassy certifying the marriage certificate. (2) Theses then need to be translated from, english into Thai then both submitted to the MFA in Bangkok at which time they will be official recognized and the MFA will stamp them. (3) After you received them back you and your lovely go to your amphur and register your marriage. You are then issued with a KR 22 or Kor Ror 22, this is for a foreign registered marriage. Ask Voodo about this he has been there and done it.
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A person married overseas has (1) go to their embassy with the certificate and get and affidavit from their embassy certifying the marriage certificate. (2) Theses then need to be translated from, english into Thai then both submitted to the MFA in Bangkok at which time they will be official recognized and the MFA will stamp them. (3) After you received them back you and your lovely go to your amphur and register your marriage. You are then issued with a KR 22 or Kor Ror 22, this is for a foreign registered marriage. Ask Voodo about this he has been there and done it.

But how do they provide proof each year that they are still married.
Like those of us married here do with a Kor Ror 2?

Maybe they just don't have to and us that are married here are just punished again.
Isn't being married to a Thai punishment enough! ( Sorry dearest REALLY).
But how do they provide proof each year that they are still married.
Like those of us married here do with a Kor Ror 2?

Maybe they just don't have to and us that are married here are just punished again.
Isn't being married to a Thai punishment enough! ( Sorry dearest REALLY).

They have to get a new KR 22 every year.
"Isn't being married to a Thai punishment enough!" LOL

The trip to Immigration to extend a retirement visa extension is a lot easier, even if you are still being punished for being married to a Thai. (Thank goodness SWMBO has not got Surinfarang on her daily reading list.)
I didn't follow rule number one i was taught by an expat who lives here 28 years : never teach your missus to speak and read english, luckily mine can only speak english so my posts are still sacred.
They don't want us to learn their languange so i won't teach them ours, was his motto.
And by God he is right this bloke.