Advice please

Talking to Idd about all this last night and she said the last time we went for a 90 day report , she spoke to the girl about our options and apparently she advised strongly against the 'Marriage' option - said the paperwork was horrendous - and that my pension almost reaches the mark so even a small amount would be okay - with 400,000 , easy peasy
Talking to Idd about all this last night and she said the last time we went for a 90 day report , she spoke to the girl about our options and apparently she advised strongly against the 'Marriage' option - said the paperwork was horrendous - and that my pension almost reaches the mark so even a small amount would be okay - with 400,000 , easy peasy

No argument that a retirement is easer and quicker than a marriage. The paper work comment IMHO is bull shit as I'm on my 4 th marriage extension. As I stated you need to find out if Raygon is going the way of KCI. If so you will be put on a 30 day under consideration the same requirement as a marriage. I personally know individuals that are seriously thanking of switching over to a marriage extension their next go around due to this.
I fail to understand, Yes I know this is Thailand and is the norm. But in Bangkok they don't need half the crap the regional offices demand and they don't do visits to your residence either. Go figure.
I fail to understand, Yes I know this is Thailand and is the norm. But in Bangkok they don't need half the crap the regional offices demand and they don't do visits to your residence either. Go figure.

Maybe they have fewer fugitives hiding in the woods and paddy fields staying low and off the radar screens.
No brainer _(except for GL) - first choice retirement extension....

Numerous individuals will be going over to the marriage their next extension if this 30 day under consideration is still in effect AND you can get a work permit and work legally where as on a retard you can not. SMART ASSOops5
Numerous individuals will be going over to the marriage their next extension if this 30 day under consideration is still in effect AND you can get a work permit and work legally where as on a retard you can not. SMART ASSOops5

I think a very low percentage would consider getting a work permit as an advantage when jobs are 1) so hard to get. 2) not wanted.3) so low paid.
I think a very low percentage would consider getting a work permit as an advantage when jobs are 1) so hard to get. 2) not wanted.3) so low paid.

I just said it was an advantage BUT most who are working are doing it illegal anyway. and take it to the bank, major reason for the now under consideration for retirment is to find those that are working.
I just said it was an advantage BUT most who are working are doing it illegal anyway. and take it to the bank, major reason for the now under consideration for retirment is to find those that are working.

It is like checking for rape - when it is out , it is not in - when it is in , it can't be seen !!!!!
Maybe they have fewer fugitives hiding in the woods and paddy fields staying low and off the radar screens.

If you go down to the woods today,
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go down to the woods today,
You'd better go in disguise...........................Pervert1
staying a bachelor (he's a man's man) :)))

Talking to Idd about all this last night and she said the last time we went for a 90 day report , she spoke to the girl about our options and apparently she advised strongly against the 'Marriage' option - said the paperwork was horrendous - and that my pension almost reaches the mark so even a small amount would be okay - with 400,000 , easy peasy

I believe OP Bill got the information that he required.
Strange things sometimes happen when you talk with your wife (even if you're not legally married). Hug1
Bill , if your combined income (pensions) deposited in Thailand is 800,000 - then I don't believe you require any seasoned money in a Thai bank.
Please get knowledgeable and official confirmation on that ! (Don't take my advice as it's free ;-)
I believe OP Bill got the information that he required.
Strange things sometimes happen when you talk with your wife (even if you're not legally married). Hug1
Bill , if your combined income (pensions) deposited in Thailand is 800,000 - then I don't believe you require any seasoned money in a Thai bank.
Please get knowledgeable and official confirmation on that ! (Don't take my advice as it's free ;-)

That sounds right to me, but my advice is also free and, despite having a WIFE (that's a legally married one), I have never seriously thought of applying for a Marriage extension.
Just more food for thought. If your on an extension based on marriage and your wife dies or you get a divorce your extension is terminated. You can go to immigration and for 1900 baht get a 7 day extension.
Just more food for thought. If your on an extension based on marriage and your wife dies or you get a divorce your extension is terminated. You can go to immigration and for 1900 baht get a 7 day extension.

Another good reason to stick with the Retirement extension, eh?
I think somebody may have said it was a no brainer!
