Briton denied entry to Thailand after ripping passport page to use as loo paper


Resident Smart Arse
A British traveller was refused entry and deported from Thailand after ripping pages from passport to use as toilet paper when she was drunk, ITV Report online reported on Wednesday.
Faye Wilson was forced to turn back at a Thai airport and was escorted all the way back to the United Kingdom by a security guard after they spotted the missing pages.

The ITV report quoted her as telling Thai immigration official that she had been too mortified to reveal the truth and tried to claim she had "lost" them - but the sceptical officers promptly deported her.

According to the online report, she said she and her friends were walking from one bar to the next and we must have been desperate for a wee and obviously didn’t have any toilet roll," she said.

"We decided it would be a good idea to use my passport, which is obviously really stupid.

"It was maybe two or three pages. I was a bit drunk so didn’t even think about the consequences."

Thai immigration just opened my passport and started looking through it, and asked ’what’s happened here’?" the 28-year-old hairdresser said.

"I just said that I had lost the pages because I was too embarrassed to explain the real reason. Before I could explain more, they had deported me back to Dubai and then to Glasgow and confiscated my documents.

She had been planning on spending a month in Thailand before moving on to work for a year in Australia.
A British traveller was refused entry and deported from Thailand after ripping pages from passport to use as toilet paper when she was drunk, ITV Report online reported on Wednesday.
Faye Wilson was forced to turn back at a Thai airport and was escorted all the way back to the United Kingdom by a security guard after they spotted the missing pages.

The ITV report quoted her as telling Thai immigration official that she had been too mortified to reveal the truth and tried to claim she had "lost" them - but the sceptical officers promptly deported her.

According to the online report, she said she and her friends were walking from one bar to the next and we must have been desperate for a wee and obviously didn’t have any toilet roll," she said.

"We decided it would be a good idea to use my passport, which is obviously really stupid.

"It was maybe two or three pages. I was a bit drunk so didn’t even think about the consequences."

Thai immigration just opened my passport and started looking through it, and asked ’what’s happened here’?" the 28-year-old hairdresser said.

"I just said that I had lost the pages because I was too embarrassed to explain the real reason. Before I could explain more, they had deported me back to Dubai and then to Glasgow and confiscated my documents.

She had been planning on spending a month in Thailand before moving on to work for a year in Australia.
Downright stupid, and Blonde to boot I expect.
A British traveller was refused entry and deported from Thailand after ripping pages from passport to use as toilet paper when she was drunk, ITV Report online reported on Wednesday.
Faye Wilson was forced to turn back at a Thai airport and was escorted all the way back to the United Kingdom by a security guard after they spotted the missing pages.

The ITV report quoted her as telling Thai immigration official that she had been too mortified to reveal the truth and tried to claim she had "lost" them - but the sceptical officers promptly deported her.

According to the online report, she said she and her friends were walking from one bar to the next and we must have been desperate for a wee and obviously didn’t have any toilet roll," she said.

"We decided it would be a good idea to use my passport, which is obviously really stupid.

"It was maybe two or three pages. I was a bit drunk so didn’t even think about the consequences."

Thai immigration just opened my passport and started looking through it, and asked ’what’s happened here’?" the 28-year-old hairdresser said.

"I just said that I had lost the pages because I was too embarrassed to explain the real reason. Before I could explain more, they had deported me back to Dubai and then to Glasgow and confiscated my documents.

She had been planning on spending a month in Thailand before moving on to work for a year in Australia.

Thank the lord she wasn't Australian. Then again she had plans to work in Oz for one year to assist in building her exceptional a 'hairdresser'. :confused:
Passport pages are really quite stiff and course. I wonder just how much use the pages where actually. Would it not have been easier and cheaper to use a 10 pound note.
If she was that pissed, she should have been going back to her hotel, not between bars to the next drink! Some of these foreign girls just never learn from the the mistakes of others. Lucky all she lost was her passport!
Possibly that is just the reason she gave to IMM. Maybe the real reason pages are missing have not been revealed.
BRONCO, interleaved toilet paper in a flat box. Who remembers that. One side was shiny, and was intended to be "face up". Big problems if you used the wrong side. but still better than passport pages!

Rough on one side, shiny on the other and seemingly non-absorbent, toilet papers such this ‘Bronco’ brand would be very familiar to anyone over the age of forty. At one time advertised with the slogan “Bronco, for the bigger wipe”,

Thank the lord she wasn't Australian. Then again she had plans to work in Oz for one year to assist in building her exceptional a 'hairdresser'. :confused:
Why would you thank anyone she wasn't an Australian. I guess I just don't understand your posts.
It is okay Surin. At least you are trying in accordance with your new years resolution. ;)

Hint: the news was full of Aussies doing stupid things in SE Asia (drug smuggling, killing bikers, smoking dope in Bali, paedos) ; therefore it is uplifting to read she wasn't Australian.
BRONCO, interleaved toilet paper in a flat box. Who remembers that. One side was shiny, and was intended to be "face up". Big problems if you used the wrong side. but still better than passport pages!

Rough on one side, shiny on the other and seemingly non-absorbent, toilet papers such this ‘Bronco’ brand would be very familiar to anyone over the age of forty. At one time advertised with the slogan “Bronco, for the bigger wipe”,

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I am too young to remember that, but I do remember IZAL - you could poke your fingers through that if you weren't careful!
Thank the lord she wasn't Australian. Then again she had plans to work in Oz for one year to assist in building her exceptional a 'hairdresser'. :confused:

I think I got the subtlety of that Coffee, despite your response to Surin.
Many minds have different perceptions and think differently...kind of like - do you dream in colour or B & W?

Different strokes for different folks. ;)
I remember well over 15 years ago when I was taken very short in a bar in Surin. There was no water, no toilet paper, nothing. I used my underwear, not having my passport with me at the time.

[It was the original "Apache Bar"]
Maybe a good time to carry a handkerchief.
I'm considering wearing diapers when I go out late. :)
It is okay Surin. At least you are trying in accordance with your new years resolution. ;)

Hint: the news was full of Aussies doing stupid things in SE Asia (drug smuggling, killing bikers, smoking dope in Bali, paedos) ; therefore it is uplifting to read she wasn't Australian.

Ok..understand! You're following all the stupid things Australians do. Now remind me about my New Year's resolution again!
It is okay Surin. At least you are trying in accordance with your new years resolution. ;)

Hint: the news was full of Aussies doing stupid things in SE Asia (drug smuggling, killing bikers, smoking dope in Bali, paedos) ; therefore it is uplifting to read she wasn't Australian.
Nice to see that you respect we Aussies as people of many talents. A bar girl told me that, "Australia No 1" so I guess our talents extend in that direction as well!