Briton denied entry to Thailand after ripping passport page to use as loo paper

Don't misunderstand me. Some of the nicest people in the world are Australian.
True story. I have a friend Dean from Wallura (sp?) that was traveling on Amtrak with his gf Teena.
When I showed up at train station to pick them up - there was Teena and her backpack without Dean-'O'.
She explained that Dean was thrown off the Amtrack team while she was asleep.
What happened ???
He went into the bar car and proceeded to get "extremely intoxicated" and was requested (forced) to depart the train before final destination with Teena.
I had never heard of ANYONE being ejected from the bar car on an Amtrack train. Leave it to good old Deano to break that record.
Many minds have different perceptions and think differently...kind of like - do you dream in colour or B & W?

Different strokes for different folks. ;)

Officially, and I believe medically, one does not dream in colour. I most certainly do! Many times I have removed red, green and yellow sweaters etc only to wake up before getting down to the nitty gritty!
Passport pages are really quite stiff and course. I wonder just how much use the pages where actually. Would it not have been easier and cheaper to use a 10 pound note.
That would be like wiping your ass with sand paper.
They leave beautiful monuments scattered all around Isaan!

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