ED Visa Study in Surin Province


New Member
I'm hopefully moving to Surin in around 6 months and looking for options for studying under an ED visa. Our intention is to move to Sangkha but Surin Town is not out of the question if required to help the visa situation. I'm currently studying the Thai language but am open to other options. Can't commit to full-time study, so would need to be only a few hours per week.

Any info out there from you guys on private language schools (authorised for ED visa) or any other authorised bodies for studying anything else?

Thanks in advance for any tips.


P.S. I was going to get a Non Immigrant O (and just nip in and out of Cambodia every 90 days) but it seems the Hull Consulate have moved the goal posts again. The "visiting friends" category was dropped earlier this year but a new category "to reside in Thailand" emerged and was attainable via a property rental contract. Now that category has gone, so those of us under 50 years old, not married to a Thai, with no family living or working here are struggling.