Foriegn land ownership

Why build on property you don't and can't own? You're basically leasing the land you build on.

I built a place in the village ages ago that was already owned in my wife's name on family land she inherited. (And not some McMansion that did not fit in the neighborhood, better than some, but plenty enough better as well around owned by Thais with some money to splurge and show face.) In case something happened to me she had a home, free and clear of any mortgages. If she left me, up to her, and I could easily leave and rent something for myself if I wanted to stay, far away. :) Rent is cheap here. Love is grand, but it does not always last, as seen by a 50% marriage failure rate in much of the world. And if the Thais get crazy and do some sort of peasant revolution, communist stuff, or change the laws at least you can up and leave and not lose everything. Many guys seem to put their life savings into building the home of their dreams here, and it can all go to shite easily, and not in their favor. You can/should only invest what you can afford to lose and still have money left to live on if it all turns to crap. JMHO
Exactly, whatever is here stays, 90% of my assets are under lock and key in Australia---after I croak-DILLIGAF.
Why build on property you don't and can't own? You're basically leasing the land you build on.

Better than many who build on MIL's land and haven't got a cat in Hell's chance of ever being able to sell it.

Interesting concept at Nordic Tropical Resort where I am renting.

I have been paying 20,000 Baht p.m. rent on a 3 bed house.

I could 'buy' that house for around 4.5m Baht, much cheaper than comparable houses on local independent estates where the figure is nearer to 7m Baht.

Where's the catch? These are leasehold sales on 30+30+30 leases and there is a maintenance charge of 6,450 pm.

I am shortly moving to a 2 bed condo because the house is way too big (165 m2). The rent is 15,000 pm and can be bought for around 2.4m Baht ....maintenance charge 5,900 Baht p.m.
Better than many who build on MIL's land and haven't got a cat in Hell's chance of ever being able to sell it.

Interesting concept at Nordic Tropical Resort where I am renting.

I have been paying 20,000 Baht p.m. rent on a 3 bed house.

I could 'buy' that house for around 4.5m Baht, much cheaper than comparable houses on local independent estates where the figure is nearer to 7m Baht.

Where's the catch? These are leasehold sales on 30+30+30 leases and there is a maintenance charge of 6,450 pm.

I am shortly moving to a 2 bed condo because the house is way too big (165 m2). The rent is 15,000 pm and can be bought for around 2.4m Baht ....maintenance charge 5,900 Baht p.m.
And you can move elsewhere any time you want if there are problems or issues in the area or with neighbors that go nutty and cause problems (noise, feuds, or just plain old assholes, etc.). Can't do that at MIL's land/home built on her land, not without losing it all and your 'investment' in the property more than likely. Or if the landlord you rent from starts raising the rent to stupid levels you can just pack up and leave for a better place/rent/area.

The guy owning our old large restaurant we rented/leased kept trying to get me to buy the place for 5 million baht. Come to find out after we left (he supposedly had someone wanting to buy it that put a down payment for it) only to find out the land the place is on is not his. It is owned by the government railway company and he had no chanote to even be able to sell it. He only owns the building, not the land it is on. Buyer beware.
And you can move elsewhere any time you want if there are problems or issues in the area or with neighbors that go nutty and cause problems (noise, feuds, or just plain old assholes, etc.). Can't do that at MIL's land/home built on her land, not without losing it all and your 'investment' in the property more than likely. Or if the landlord you rent from starts raising the rent to stupid levels you can just pack up and leave for a better place/rent/area.

The guy owning our old large restaurant we rented/leased kept trying to get me to buy the place for 5 million baht. Come to find out after we left (he supposedly had someone wanting to buy it that put a down payment for it) only to find out the land the place is on is not his. It is owned by the government railway company and he had no chanote to even be able to sell it. He only owns the building, not the land it is on. Buyer beware.
Thats why one should always use a Lawyer when buying property.
Better than many who build on MIL's land and haven't got a cat in Hell's chance of ever being able to sell it.

Interesting concept at Nordic Tropical Resort where I am renting.

I have been paying 20,000 Baht p.m. rent on a 3 bed house.

I could 'buy' that house for around 4.5m Baht, much cheaper than comparable houses on local independent estates where the figure is nearer to 7m Baht.

Where's the catch? These are leasehold sales on 30+30+30 leases and there is a maintenance charge of 6,450 pm.

I am shortly moving to a 2 bed condo because the house is way too big (165 m2). The rent is 15,000 pm and can be bought for around 2.4m Baht ....maintenance charge 5,900 Baht p.m.
Sounds like a wize move to me, for someone living alone.
Hope everything goes well with your move. I can see myself moving again, in the near future to the Ubon area.

The move is literally 60 metres so logistically it should be straight forward - not too far for Jip to carry the heavy stuff!

In anticipation of the move I (Jip) shifted a lot of surplus/unused stuff back up to the house in Buriram so it shouldn't take long to get the rest moved.

On a side note, it is amazing the amount of crap we accumulate over the years and I am getting to the stage where I think less is more.
Hope everything goes well with your move. I can see myself moving again, in the near future to the Ubon area.
Just got back from there an hour ago. Family trip going to a few of the massive temples there. Stopped in at Peppers Restaurant/Bakery while there. The boss wasn't in, but a good menu (similar in some respects to Starbeam's). Great staff, nice place with some room, excellent hong nam, book shelves, outdoor smoke area, parking in front and back, etc. Nice city.
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Just got back from there an hour ago. Family trip going to a few of the massive temples there. Stopped in at Peppers Restaurant/Bakery while there. The boss wasn't in, but a good menu (similar in some respects to Starbeam's). Great staff, nice place with some room, excellent hong nam, book shelves, outdoor smoke area, parking in front and back, etc. Nice city.
Further towards the Airport is 'Ubon Big Breakfast' too. Andy has some great breakfast items and whilst smaller, your always welcomed-in for a chat with Andy. Everyone's first visit always involves being given a free UBB T-shirt. The fresh Begals are wonderful and (now) a personal favourite!!
Open between 6am to 11am.

UBON EXPAT FOODS is a small store which mainly stocks items, favoured by the English.
Again, Alan is a very friendly chap who always offers you a cuppa, to the many locals who just call-in for a chat on the few chairs outside.
It's in a small side road, opposite to the McD 24hr drive-in
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