Highway Police have breathalisers..........BE WARNED

CoCo you would have to be moving to catch up with someone doing 60/62kpm, normally speeds are quoted by the hour not the minute

A slip of the finger Nookie - something I am sure you are familiar with :wink:
If I leave the Surin area I usually have my passport, or a copy of it and my visa, with me. My Thai license has my passport number on it and I'll usually just have to show that. I do hate having to carry my passport around everywhere though. It's just a pain in the ass replacing it if it gets lost or stolen.

I drove to Bangkok and back last week and never saw a cop on the highway or a roadblock the whole trip. Probably the first time in years I haven't been stopped on the 24 for 'speeding'. :)


I must have been lucky for some reason, its been years since iv'e been pulled over on the 24, or any journey between Surin and Bangkok. When i first bought the new car we even did a trip to BKK for a few days and back with no plates, not a cop in sight! Must have been incredibly fortunate.
Last night from the highway 2 and high way 24 connection to the 24/214 intersection in Prasat we encountered 14 police check points and they were stopping everyone. Thats approximately 200 km of highway.
'awareness on the road'

I remember overtaking Nick on the inside once.

I didn't bother flashing him because he was too busy flashing Somchai in front of him. :smile:

I can cope with drivers staying in the right hand lane as long as they don't arse about. There is little worse than coming up behind a car in the left lane doing 60 kpm and the driver in the right lane doing 62 kpm.

It is more about awareness of other road.

I don't see too much of that awareness on Thailand's roads.

Unfortunate that so many drive as if they really are the only ones on the highway.
I truly now believe that the single application of a driver viewing the rear-view mirror is for applying lip-stick or looking at yourself while your driving or taking a picture of oneself for Facebook.:frown:

In most vehicles the mirror is directed straight back at the drivers seat and not through the rear window of the vehicle...same as scooters driven by youth.
"Oh my, look how gorgeous I look in these fake Ray-bans, ba-bay !" Cool3
BOOM ! What happened ? Cry3.