Immigration warns homeowners they have 24hrs to report foreign guests


Kap Chong R Us Member
Immigration warns homeowners they have 24hrs to report foreign guests

HUA HIN:-- Immigration officials in Hua Hin have today issued a warning to homeowners about the requirement to report any foreigners who might be staying at their property.

Failure to supply Immigration with details of foreign guests will result in the owner of the property being subjected to penalties and fines.

The information comes via a the management of a leading property development in Hua Hin who has been told to inform its tenants of the requirement by officials from Hua Hin Immigration.

The noticed, which was distributed to property owners earlier today reads:

Dear Residents

Re: Immigration Notification

This morning, we have been informed by Hua Hin Immigration Office that


We are led to believe that anyone not following the new regulations will be subject to penalties and fines.

Please also note that any owners who are renting their properties – either long- or short-term - have a legal obligation to inform their tenants of the same.

Kindly note that we are informing residents as a courtesy and have no further information regarding the requirements. Should you have any further questions, kindly contact the Immigration Office directly.

Yours sincerely
The Management Team

The requirement for homeowners (or the house master) to report foreign tenants is nothing new and is stated on the Immigration Bureau’s website. It is also highlighted under point 2 on the FAQ page of the site.

However, this latest news suggests that officials in Hua Hin could be stepping up their efforts to ensure that homeowners report foreigners who may be staying in their property - both short and long term.

It is unclear if this is part of a nationwide crackdown on homeowners reporting foreign guests.

-- © 2015-10-29



TM.28 Form for Aliens to Notify Their Change of Address or Their Stay in the Province over 24 Hours
Please also note that any owners who are renting their properties – either long- or short-term - have a legal obligation to inform their tenants of the same.

Inform them of Forking what??
It is the owner that has to do the reporting. It is the foreigners responsibility to inform immigration of any address change and report three monthly your address.
I'm not too sure about that Rice. You are quite aware that they make it up as they go along.

I'm not too sure about that Rice. You are quite aware that they make it up as they go along.


You must remember if you stay anywhere for 24 Hours you have to report your change of address. Then say if you lived in Hua Hin. You would indeed have to report another change of address on arrival back home.

Do these jokers who wrote this 1979 edict and those who push it down our throats to this day understand how this unwieldy imposition is that, this paper work has to be done for every 24 Hr period of our lives in this police state. Not to mention the owner of the abode a foreigner stays has to report as well.

I am sure the majority of foreigners that come and stay in Thailand and even the average Thai has no idea it is illegal to harbor a foreigner at their home without reporting it.
I have just had one week away in Pattaya and neither of the 2 hotels in which I stayed bothered to look at my passport, let alone copy it and report my presence to Immigration. I didn't report to Immigration in Jomtein either. When I came back to our home in Surin I didn't report my return to KCI. Guilty as charged - 2 hotels, one house owner and me. I fail to see how they can enforce such a system that relies on the general public to report their movements every time they move around for a few days at a time. It will never work. If you are arriving from out of Kingdom the arrival card is the key - they know about you. Then I think you need to report your arrival and for the house owner to do the same.
I have just had one week away in Pattaya and neither of the 2 hotels in which I stayed bothered to look at my passport, let alone copy it and report my presence to Immigration. I didn't report to Immigration in Jomtein either. When I came back to our home in Surin I didn't report my return to KCI. Guilty as charged - 2 hotels, one house owner and me. I fail to see how they can enforce such a system that relies on the general public to report their movements every time they move around for a few days at a time. It will never work. If you are arriving from out of Kingdom the arrival card is the key - they know about you. Then I think you need to report your arrival and for the house owner to do the same.

What about those that own their own house (farangs can- but not the land) or those that own condos? Surely you don't have to report that you have arrived at your own home.,
I have just had one week away in Pattaya and neither of the 2 hotels in which I stayed bothered to look at my passport, let alone copy it and report my presence to Immigration. I didn't report to Immigration in Jomtein either. When I came back to our home in Surin I didn't report my return to KCI. Guilty as charged - 2 hotels, one house owner and me. I fail to see how they can enforce such a system that relies on the general public to report their movements every time they move around for a few days at a time. It will never work. If you are arriving from out of Kingdom the arrival card is the key - they know about you. Then I think you need to report your arrival and for the house owner to do the same.

I know I am preaching to the converted, but you place it in a nutshell. All that criminal behavior you just indulged in. And to boot all those landlords you placed onus on. One being your wife NM !!.
I know I am preaching to the converted, but you place it in a nutshell. All that criminal behavior you just indulged in. And to boot all those landlords you placed onus on. One being your wife NM !!.

Put me in that category. Stayed in two hotels and friends accommodations for a week, no passport. When we returned to KC the wife report me back to KCI and the local BIB's. like fork she did.:p
When I return from AustraliMind you, it will be the address I give at the airport an year. someone please remind me to report my address?..hahahaha

Me, too! Nobody at the condo block will see me arrive late at night. Mind you it will be the address I give at the airport anyway
I have just had one week away in Pattaya and neither of the 2 hotels in which I stayed bothered to look at my passport, let alone copy it and report my presence to Immigration. I didn't report to Immigration in Jomtein either. When I came back to our home in Surin I didn't report my return to KCI. Guilty as charged - 2 hotels, one house owner and me. I fail to see how they can enforce such a system that relies on the general public to report their movements every time they move around for a few days at a time. It will never work. If you are arriving from out of Kingdom the arrival card is the key - they know about you. Then I think you need to report your arrival and for the house owner to do the same.

WHY would you flauntingly write what you wrote and place it on a public forum ?
Do you really believe it's perfectly alright to incriminate yourself 'breaking the law' of another country in public ?

In your better judgement do you think rationally that at the very least it would not be best to reasonably amend your post from a first-person personal account into a second-hand source to state that you "know of someone who..."

Sorry Nomad , I cannot continue to protect your interests from the local if you're not inclined to be a tad more prudent. As always , it's your choice entirely.
WHY would you flauntingly write what you wrote and place it on a public forum ?
Do you really believe it's perfectly alright to incriminate yourself 'breaking the law' of another country in public ?

In your better judgement do you think rationally that at the very least it would not be best to reasonably amend your post from a first-person personal account into a second-hand source to state that you "know of someone who..."

Sorry Nomad , I cannot continue to protect your interests from the local if you're not inclined to be a tad more prudent. As always , it's your choice entirely.

Don't get excited, Coffee. SF Members can draw up a roster to take extra rice to Nomad in the Monkey House. We will look after our own.
I just hope the Warden does not forget to advise Immigration that Nomad has changed his address!
Aaaah! Now Mon. Cafe are you the one in communication with the higher authority? If you don't tell them I am quite sure no-one else will. Besides, there is strength in numbers isn't there? The monkey house will be overcrowded with non-reporters if we are all apprehended. As they say in Liverpool FC, "You'll never walk alone."
Would you believe that a relative low-ranked individual connected the dots between Top Tees contact info with Robin-Central Group and a certain address ? :confused: Wud ya ?

Wake up laddie. Don't be daft.
If I were queried I'd look them in the eye and state, "I don't know that person. Are you sure it was a farang ? Sorry I can't help you , not my business."
Why ? Because I don't care and I've nothing to hide. My lips are sealed if it doesn't pertain to me.
I've done nothing wrong and if someone says something I've cultivated contacts in the Thai community that can help assist me.

You've lived an exemplary life here raising a Thai family from nothing with your economic backing and steer very clear of seedier elements.
So why would you be so nonchalant as to post what you posted and believe that nobody reads anything except a close cadre of thirty individuals ?
YOU should well know LLSS - 'Loose Lips Sink Ships' o_O

You really believe that what is written on the forum is personal and confidential and ne'er perused by others ?
How many members can completely glean , cream , copy and forward posts.

Authorities could care less if you want to rant about LFC or such.
Talking about flaunting the law of a foreign land is not the same. ;)
Coffee, I am not flaunting the law, I carry my passport with me at all times that I leave the house. I also report my presence every 90 days as required by the law, as does my landlady every year. I was merely pointing out that hoteliers do not seem to follow the law. And, I may add, these hoteliers are, generally speaking, Thais. If they do not follow the laws of their own country what do you want me to do? Make an arse of myself and insist they report me or perhaps I should report them for not doing so. The law is not well understood by the people who are Thai and who also speak, read and write the same. What chance then for us mere mortals or Farangs? And no, I am not stupid enough to think this forum is only read by a handful of expats although I doubt if many Thais would understand even a small part of what is actually written.

And, to address the OP in question, I would have to ask if this directive applies to anyone who leaves Hua Hin on a temporary basis say for 24 hours in Bangkok, or is it more directed at people who arrive in the Kingdom from overseas? The actual notes from the Immigration Bureau tends to suggest the latter. And I quote:

Filling in the foreign national residence notification form (TM. 30)

Please fill in all requested information according to the foreign national's passport, as often arriving passengers do not fill in the correct data on the arrival card. The form can be typed or handwritten in clear block letters. Leave a space between name, middle name, and surname.
  • If the passport number is preceded or followed by a letter, fill in the letter too.
  • Write the arrival card number (TM. 6) in the respective field. The arrival card is stapled into the passport. Both letters and numbers of the arrival card number must be filled in.
  • Arrival date means the date of arrival in Thailand. Date of accommodation must be filled in on the front page of the notification sheet.
Personally speaking, with the exception of the 90-day report, I think the subject of reporting is very ambiguous and I would welcome someone in authority to dot the i's and cross the t's and issue a clearly worded statement to remove any such ambiguity.
I doubt if many Thais would understand even a small part of what is actually written.

There is Paranoia and there is Paranormal Paranoia. I think yours falls into the second class Coffee. I also seriously doubt anything seriously could be gleamed out of the nuances of the English language pertaining to any crimes that could be withheld even in a Kangaroo Thai court. Unless it was something in the realm 112, and seriously none of us are clearly not that stupid. Oh and off course if you want to take the paranoia to the nth degree what is the worst outcome, a 800 Baht fine for a misdemeanor, hardly a crime.

On the other hand the suppression unit could always drag you away and water board you until you admitted to a more then 24 hour stay in Pattaya.
Personally speaking, with the exception of the 90-day report, I think the subject of reporting is very ambiguous and I would welcome someone in authority to dot the i's and cross the t's and issue a clearly worded statement to remove any such ambiguity.

In your dreams, Nomad!
A quick analysis of the Thai tourist industry suggests there are over 25 million new arrivals of foreign tourist each year. See This alone generates 25 million arrival cards and, on arrival at their holiday hotel, a further 25 million TM 30's. And, if each tourist stays in more than 1 hotel, the number of TM 30's that could be generated, could well exceed 50 million bits of paper each year. Add to this the need for each landlord or home owner to report the presence of foreigners and the total audit trail could well exceed 100 million bits of paper each year. This needs a veritable army of data input clerks to cope with the tsunami of arrival cards and TM 30's to ensure they are input to the computer system in a timely manner. It also requires a very large warehouse to accomodate all the bits of paper. The number of errors that manual inputs would generate, the sheer size of the task and the less than 100% notification by hoteliers and home owners, makes for a very unreliable system and calls into question the usefulness of such a system. Surely, if such tracking is required then every foreigner should be tagged electronically with their own bio chip implanted in their forehead on arrival. Very similar to that of a frontal lobotomy. Then as they move around the country each foreigner can be tracked every foot of the way and in real time too.
A quick analysis of the Thai tourist industry suggests there are over 25 million new arrivals of foreign tourist each year. See This alone generates 25 million arrival cards and, on arrival at their holiday hotel, a further 25 million TM 30's. And, if each tourist stays in more than 1 hotel, the number of TM 30's that could be generated, could well exceed 50 million bits of paper each year. Add to this the need for each landlord or home owner to report the presence of foreigners and the total audit trail could well exceed 100 million bits of paper each year. This needs a veritable army of data input clerks to cope with the tsunami of arrival cards and TM 30's to ensure they are input to the computer system in a timely manner. It also requires a very large warehouse to accomodate all the bits of paper. The number of errors that manual inputs would generate, the sheer size of the task and the less than 100% notification by hoteliers and home owners, makes for a very unreliable system and calls into question the usefulness of such a system. Surely, if such tracking is required then every foreigner should be tagged electronically with their own bio chip implanted in their forehead on arrival. Very similar to that of a frontal lobotomy. Then as they move around the country each foreigner can be tracked every foot of the way and in real time too.

Making things easer...
