Legalised UK wedding certificate

After you are legalised Dylan how do you go about confirming each year that you are still wed. As immigration has a requirement of those of us, that are married here, with a Kor Ror 2.?

Just interested.
After you are legalised Dylan how do you go about confirming each year that you are still wed. As immigration has a requirement of those of us, that are married here, with a Kor Ror 2.?

Just interested.

He is on a retirement extention BUT if her goes over to a marriage extension he has to get a new KR 22 from the amphora each year. KR 22 is for a foreign marriage as a KR 2 is for a Thai marriage
He is on a retirement extention BUT if her goes over to a marriage extension he has to get a new KR 22 from the amphora each year. KR 22 is for a foreign marriage as a KR 2 is for a Thai marriage

One small question though. In Thailand they account if you should get a divorce in the meanwhile with Kor Ror 2. How would they know if you divorced in your home country.?
We took our legalised, translated and MFA stamped wedding certificate to the local amphur office today to have our wedding registered . However, the lady that normally deals with foreigners was off sick, so the office manager dealt with us.
He told us, via my wife in Thai, that I also needed a verified translation of the ID page of my passport with the my name spelt in Thai script as it is on the wedding certificate; a translate copy of my birth certificate; and also a translated copy of a criminal record check from the UK police - stamped by the UK embassy.
Not sure if this is correct and I may go back next week when the lady is back in work. Do I have to register at our local amphur in Buached or can it be done anywhere?
From my experience, every Amphur office, and pretty much every official in the whole of Thailand, seem to interpret the laws/rules in their own way.
What they have asked of you does seem a bit over the top ,When I got married all I needed was a copy of my passport along with arrival card ,an affidavit regarding my marital status from the UK embassy ,my Divorce Cert and translated copy of affidavits to Thai certified by an approved Foreign Ministry Translator....which was all done by an Agent
Its always fun trying to get something done at the local Amphur Office
I go along with Moo Ban. To the best of my knowledge I never had a UK police criminal record check, let alone translated and verified in Thai and stamped by the British Embassy in Thailand. Yes, I did have a letter from the British Embassy, an Affirmation of Freedom to Marry, for which I needed to present my UK Divorce letter to the Embassy (not to the MFA). Don't recall having a translated copy of my ID page from the passport either. As I said earlier, everything was taken care of by the translating office outside the MFA and the marriage was registered at Nonthanburi Town Hall and never in Surin. The offices in Surin did give me a Yellow Book a couple of years ago and that was relatively painless.
I think you are both (@Moo Ban and @nomad97) referring to marrying in Thailand, which I have also done with similar requirements. I understand that Dylan is not doing that. He's having his UK marriage verified under Thai law, which I guess is a different kettle of fish.
I think you are both (@Moo Ban and @nomad97) referring to marrying in Thailand, which I have also done with similar requirements. I understand that Dylan is not doing that. He's having his UK marriage verified under Thai law, which I guess is a different kettle of fish.
I understand that but I still think what they are asking is over the top, I would have been tempted to let the Agent that sorted out his translation do the rest of the process as well , far less hassle than dealing with some of the local Jobsworth's IMHO !
As an aside possibly, my name was written in Thai on the translation of the "affirmation of freedom to marry" but my surname was indicated as containing an "e" not an "a". My wife told them it's an English thing - they both mean the same(?). That was acceptable. TiT.
We took our legalised, translated and MFA stamped wedding certificate to the local amphur office today to have our wedding registered . However, the lady that normally deals with foreigners was off sick, so the office manager dealt with us.
He told us, via my wife in Thai, that I also needed a verified translation of the ID page of my passport with the my name spelt in Thai script as it is on the wedding certificate; a translate copy of my birth certificate; and also a translated copy of a criminal record check from the UK police - stamped by the UK embassy.
Not sure if this is correct and I may go back next week when the lady is back in work. Do I have to register at our local amphur in Buached or can it be done anywhere?

You can register your marriage at any amphur in Thailand. You very seldom find any two with the same requirements. You can wait tell the lady comes back and if their attitude does not change tell them to fork off. Sense you reside in Surin Provence try and stay in this provence. Another suggestion if you still have troubles at your wife amphur be polite but insist on the HNIC to be involved, it can be amazing what can happen when they do get involved.
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You can register your marriage at any amphur in Thailand. You very seldom find any two with the same requirements. You can wait tell the lady comes back and if their attitude does not change tell them to fork off. Sense you reside in Surin Provence try and stay in this provence. Another suggestion if you still have troubles at your wife amphur be polite but insist on the HNIC to be involved, it can be amazing what can happen when they do get involved.

As I said you can register your marriage at any amphur but the only question maybe if that amphur will issue you with a YTB and that is what your after.

I get you twats all the time with that. HEAD N*&er IN CHARGE. :D:D:D In other words get the head prat of the amphur and not the flunky behind the counter. The head man may know that what is being feed to you is BULL SHIT but first get the lady that is sick a go first.:D
A friend of mine recently was applying for a visa for Australia for his Thai partner not married. He was asked for a criminal history check in Thailand and Australia. Things have changed in the world so, if they are asking for a criminal history check, I for one are not surprised it has been brought in, but then again it could be just the different rule,, different day different person, scenario.
But last time I challenged a ruling I was slapped across the face by it in black and white. Won't hurt to make an ass of yourself like I did though. I got banned from Bangkok Immi 1!
In fairness over the past year I seen more and more amphures requiring a translated and certified copy of your past port.