Surin Founding Father
I didn't think we were talking "real accuracy", but rather an inexpensive long level line. Of course a laser is the most accurate. Regarding your criticism of a string line and its possible sag, are you not pulling your line tight as possible? I don't think the weight of the small line level is going to cause your tightly pulled line to sag much, but then again we are not talking perfectly level here anyway, are we?? And then you mention wind..??I disagree. String lines will always sag a little, the greater the distance, the greater the sag. Add the weight of the small level to the line, and you will increase the sag in the line. A wet line will sag more.
Wind will also affect the lines stability.
A regular level coupled with a true straight edge, of either wooded or steel is perfect for projects such as @nomad97's But if you want real accuracy, then a level with a built in Laser is the way to go.
There's perfect, and then there is "get the job done".
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