New UK pension equality rules could cost companies 'millions'


Dave The Dude

New pension equality rules could cost companies 'millions'

The pensions industry is at a loss to explain why the Government has dug up 20-year old case law to plan new equality rules on pensions which could cost companies 'millions' and cause an “administrative nightmare”.

The accrual rate for females under the guaranteed minimum pension scheme was better than for men, meaning employers could be forced to top up male members’ benefits. Photo: ALAMY

The Department for Work and Pensions on Friday outlined plans to force companies that offered “guaranteed minimum pensions” in the Nineties to reassess the different accrual rates for male and female members of the scheme and equalise overall benefits to avoid discrimination.

Under the law at the time, women could collect their state pension five years earlier than men, when they reached 60. Men could only start claiming their pension at 65.

This rule has never been updated for the guaranteed minimum pension scheme since, despite case law in 1990 which ruled it was unlawful to discriminate between men and women in relation to occupational pensions.

According to equality campaigners, this gives female members of the guaranteed minimum pension retiring today an unfair advantage as they can get hold of the benefits sooner than men.

The new rules outlined by the DWP on Friday would see men be able to claim payments at the age of 60.

The accrual rate for females under the guaranteed minimum pension scheme was also better than for men, under complex rules, meaning employers could be forced to top up male members’ benefits to match the payments.
Companies that opted out of the additional state pension and built up benefits in a final salary scheme between 1990-97 will be heavily impacted by the new rules, as by opting out they had to make sure they offered a guaranteed minimum scheme.
Pensions experts were alarmed that the DWP's consultation does not clear up whether equalisation would occur for members already retired or only for future payments to those workers yet to retire.
In theory, a pensioner could be told they are owed money under the rule changes – however, those thinking they are due for a windfall have little to look forward to as payments could be as little as £10, experts warned.
Worse still, pensions consultancies say the industry has been happily ignoring the complex issue for decades. The EU has recently threatened to bring equalisation into practice but the UK has decided to make it compulsory regardless.
Darren Philp, of the National Association of Pension Funds, said: “Pension schemes already have enough on their plate and the administrative headache this will create could not have come at a worse time.”
Giannis Waymouth, pensions lawyer at Allen & Overy, said: “The timing of this decision is dreadful. At a time when pension schemes are struggling to secure additional cash from employers, employers are facing all the problems of the eurozone crisis and recession, and benefits are being cut back, pension schemes are going to be faced with additional high costs.”
She said the cost could run into “millions”.