On Line 90 day Reporting

This is the form on the site - looks official enough. My next report is in March, I may give this a shot 15 days before.

90 day report on-line.jpg
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People can be as skeptical as they wish but I see this as a very positive announcement from Immigration.

..... and 'announcement' it is. It is not another wishy-washy pipe dream, it is something that is being rolled out and the online form is working (of sorts).

I applaud Thai immigration for this sensible development and I am grateful for the potential saving of 600km per annum on my odometer.
People can be as skeptical as they wish but I see this as a very positive announcement from Immigration.

..... and 'announcement' it is. It is not another wishy-washy pipe dream, it is something that is being rolled out and the online form is working (of sorts).

I applaud Thai immigration for this sensible development and I am grateful for the potential saving of 600km per annum on my odometer.

I bet it's a long time since you had to do a 90 day report CC!
Notice, it will only work with Internet Explorer. So firefox, Chrome etc. can not accomplish the online reporting, yet.

If you read the ThaiVisa thread, people have found ways of using it with firefox and chrome.

But I wait with interest to hear of somebody successfully completing the process on line.
Notice, it will only work with Internet Explorer. So firefox, Chrome etc. can not accomplish the online reporting, yet.

Although I never use IE preferring FF (and prior to that, Netscape), I keep the application on hard drive just in case (in case of what I don't know - probably this).
Although I never use IE preferring FF (and prior to that, Netscape), I keep the application on hard drive just in case (in case of what I don't know - probably this).

That's interesting Yorky. I used FF for years and found in the past 12 months it was causing interference to my system and allowing pop ups and overload of adverts. I gave IE a go and haven't gone back to FF since. Very stable...I was having problems in at least 4 computers/laptops with Firefox. I also checked on the 90 day report form link and it opened straight away on IE.
There were two major reasons which pissed me off with IE.

I bought a new laptop in KL around '96 and against my specific instructions it had Windows 95 installed and no CD. I returned to the shop and requested the CD which, of course, they didn't have. If I wanted an "original" I had to pay some RM 800.00 which included IE. I said I didn't want IE, I use Netscape. "Tough luck" they said. I went next door and bought a copy for RM 50.00.

When I first started attempting to build websites, I used "Microsoft Publisher". The sites were basically acceptable on Netscape/Firefox but were unreadable on IE.

On your point about popups, as far as I know, it's the websites that you visit which feed in these, not the browser itself. But I could be wrong.

That's interesting Yorky. I used FF for years and found in the past 12 months it was causing interference to my system and allowing pop ups and overload of adverts. I gave IE a go and haven't gone back to FF since. Very stable...I was having problems in at least 4 computers/laptops with Firefox. I also checked on the 90 day report form link and it opened straight away on IE.

Because FF is open source sometimes it is easy to get a pop up virus of sorts. What sorts it is a reset back to default. This also keeps all your previous book marks and settings just minus the crap. Hit the three Bar icon then the ? at the botom and select Trouble shooting Information and hit the Refresh FF button.
We may be going slightly "off thread" here, but have noticed mention of irritating adverts/pop ups etc..
This used to drive me nuts (using Windows 7) but have installed Adblock Plus (ABP) and can choose if I want to leave any sites open to adverts, which I feel will benefit from any revenue clicks generated.
Works a treat..............
We may be going slightly "off thread" here, but have noticed mention of irritating adverts/pop ups etc..
This used to drive me nuts (using Windows 7) but have installed Adblock Plus (ABP) and can choose if I want to leave any sites open to adverts, which I feel will benefit from any revenue clicks generated.
Works a treat..............

Just a thought......................using off a U.K. URL so maybe check out if it works in Thailand ???
Just a quick update from a Thai Visa post:-


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Posted Today, 09:30
I have successfully completed a 90 day report online. Used Firefox with User Agent Switcher extension to simulate IE8. Received a confirmation that my report is pending.
Just a quick update from a Thai Visa post:-


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Posted Today, 09:30
I have successfully completed a 90 day report online. Used Firefox with User Agent Switcher extension to simulate IE8. Received a confirmation that my report is pending.

Key word "PENDING". The second coming will happen first.//flag
There were two major reasons which pissed me off with IE.

I bought a new laptop in KL around '96 and against my specific instructions it had Windows 95 installed and no CD. I returned to the shop and requested the CD which, of course, they didn't have. If I wanted an "original" I had to pay some RM 800.00 which included IE. I said I didn't want IE, I use Netscape. "Tough luck" they said. I went next door and bought a copy for RM 50.00.

When I first started attempting to build websites, I used "Microsoft Publisher". The sites were basically acceptable on Netscape/Firefox but were unreadable on IE.

On your point about popups, as far as I know, it's the websites that you visit which feed in these, not the browser itself. But I could be wrong.


I have the same problem with Buriram Expert site. So many pop ups that I can no longer see the original page. Touch wood, no such grief here.