Pizza 222

If you should decide to order there Seafood Pizza.It comes coated with something like "Thousand Islands Sauce"
Yeah. Exactly what I am trying to avoid. All my local shops (Samrong Thap) use that.

Looked up the ingredients for some of the other places and found (literally) 18% corn syrup. Can't abide sweet either.

Okay, let's talk 'Pizza Company'. I've had 3 Gin and tonic, so I' well lubricated.

Went there today because I was in Robinson trying to get my computer serviced (separate post, also bad.)

Ordered their 12" double pepperoni pizza. They say they don't have12" available. Wife says, they say, Thais don't order, so they don't stock.

Wait, 'Don't stock?" That sounds like the dough is coming in frozen and already portioned. Shouldn't the dough be in a big vat, and while I don't expect them to toss, they should run through a machine that will size to order? Apparently not.

Sounds to me like Pizza Company is just adding toppings to a frozen pizza.

I just got this about a Pizza Place in my old neighborhood (HEAVY D'S Pizzaria). Place has always been pizza, but must have changed hands after I left, cause THIS, was not available then. WOW!

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Nice menu- but it looks like its in the USA,so most of us falangs cannot go there.

Yeah, it's Oklahoma City. I only mentioned it because it came up in my FB feed and is like a mile from my old house.

Last pizza I ordered here in Suring would only go to 9". US vs Thailand is one hell of a difference!
