
Just now the girls heard the rat trap shut with a loud snap. I ascended the ladder and found that the trap had indeed shut, but no rat. On closer examination, it was clear that the locking mechanism for sealing the trap door had malfunctioned. Clearly, you get what you pay for and 70 baht's worth was not a lot. The good news, the modifications I made to the trigger arm and bait hook had worked. The rat may have escaped but it did not get the bacon. I have now modified the locking mechanism, reset the trap, and replaced in the roof. Let us see if I am more successful tonight.
Just now the girls heard the rat trap shut with a loud snap. I ascended the ladder and found that the trap had indeed shut, but no rat. On closer examination, it was clear that the locking mechanism for sealing the trap door had malfunctioned. Clearly, you get what you pay for and 70 baht's worth was not a lot. The good news, the modifications I made to the trigger arm and bait hook had worked. The rat may have escaped but it did not get the bacon. I have now modified the locking mechanism, reset the trap, and replaced in the roof. Let us see if I am more successful tonight.

They say that rats are amongst the most intelligent animals, and learn new skills quickly.

Be very careful, Nomad, when you next go into your fridge!
