Renewal of passport - extension of stay.


Fullritis Member
When I applied for my extension of stay in 2009 I was only given until my passport expired not the full 12 months (albeit only a difference of 21 days). When I received my new passport, I visited Khorat Immigration and they transferred all necessary information from my old passport and extended my stay for 21 days free of charge.

I read today that this has changed. Yes, you will still only receive an extension up to the date that your passport expires, but thereafter you have to apply for a further extension which will be 12 months from the date of the expiry of your old passport and the full fee will need to be paid.

Any further information on this? Or was what I read a load of bollocks?
When I applied for my extension of stay in 2009 I was only given until my passport expired not the full 12 months (albeit only a difference of 21 days). When I received my new passport, I visited Khorat Immigration and they transferred all necessary information from my old passport and extended my stay for 21 days free of charge.

I read today that this has changed. Yes, you will still only receive an extension up to the date that your passport expires, but thereafter you have to apply for a further extension which will be 12 months from the date of the expiry of your old passport and the full fee will need to be paid.

Any further information on this? Or was what I read a load of bollocks?

You got lucky back then. There has been no change. As Nick pointed out. Your extension is only valid until the expiration of your pp. You snooze you lose. Best to renew your passport before your extension is due. Your embassy should provide you with a letter asking immigration to kindly assist you. Now go to SI and they do the rest. I got charged 500 baht for this service.
Yes happened to me last October, only got extension till 12th of June this year. I took my new passport in for the last 90 day thinking they would put October for next extension but no.
Yes happened to me last October, only got extension till 12th of June this year. I took my new passport in for the last 90 day thinking they would put October for next extension but no.

Do the process all over again and by the date you can do it now as June 12 is only 12 days away. IF you have a new pp.:rolleyes:
Do the process all over again and by the date you can do it now as June 12 is only 12 days away. IF you have a new pp.:rolleyes:
Yes all ready for next week and I didn't leave getting my pensions confirmation letter from uk embassy till the last minute like I did last year. Ha
Surely this is not a huge problem, only occurring one in ten years. How many of these inconvenient occurrence more are you expecting @Yorky?
You got lucky back then. There has been no change. As Nick pointed out. Your extension is only valid until the expiration of your pp. You snooze you lose. Best to renew your passport before your extension is due. Your embassy should provide you with a letter asking immigration to kindly assist you. Now go to SI and they do the rest. I got charged 500 baht for this service.

And I bet your embassy charged you bugger all. The British embassy expect you to take out a second mortgage to pay for their services.

For information, I renewed my passport in March 2010 as it was due to expire 06:06:10. However, during the time between the renewal and the expiry, I was required to conduct a 90 day report. Mrs Dow (big tits) completed all the transfers to the new passport. I didn't bother the British embassy and I shall not next time (if there is one).
Surely this is not a huge problem, only occurring one in ten years. How many of these inconvenient occurrence more are you expecting @Yorky?

It's advice for others Rice. When you arrive at immigration to have your details transferred to your new passport and suddenly find that you are required to renew your extension with all the bank letter and 3 months money seasoning involved [Edit: and possibly an embassy letter], it could be a problem for some.

It will not be a problem for me.

[Edit: to clarify my final statement. My passport expires on 6th June, my extension currently expires on 27th June. As I am permitted to apply for a new extension up to 45 days prior to the expiry of the old one, it will be no problem]
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Yes all ready for next week and I didn't leave getting my pensions confirmation letter from uk embassy till the last minute like I did last year. Ha

As I confirmed in a different thread, SI are prepared to issue you a new extension up to 45 days before your old extension expires. GET ON WITH IT!
As I confirmed in a different thread, SI are prepared to issue you a new extension up to 45 days before your old extension expires. GET ON WITH IT!
I know Yorky, I'm a tosser who just doesn't like paperwork and always leave it till last minute.
Going next Tuesday.
And I bet your embassy charged you bugger all. The British embassy expect you to take out a second mortgage to pay for their services.
Bastards charge 100bht for postage and it was 37bht ems.
2299bht for the letter confirming pensions. Thieving twats.
2299bht for the letter confirming pensions. Thieving twats.

Do they still have the mentality to assume that we think that that is much cheaper than Bht 2,300.00?

Dick 'eads!

(I hope that you waited for the Bht 1.00 change).
Do they still have the mentality to assume that we think that that is much cheaper than Bht 2,300.00?

Dick 'eads!

(I hope that you waited for the Bht 1.00 change).
Rip off Britain, somebody has to pay for the **** flooding in though. Boils my piss.
Yes all ready for next week and I didn't leave getting my pensions confirmation letter from uk embassy till the last minute like I did last year. Ha

Robjak what information/documents did you have to provide the Embassy with to obtain the confirmation letter?
I'm the same about cutting toe nails. I had to do it today - I couldn't get my shoes on!