Renewal of passport - extension of stay.

Robjak what information/documents did you have to provide the Embassy with to obtain the confirmation letter?
My pensions go up every April and I get a letter saying by how much and what it is annually. Then download the form from uk embassy Bangkok + the debit/credit card authorisation forms and send them all. That's it really.
Robjak what information/documents did you have to provide the Embassy with to obtain the confirmation letter?

Colin, nowadays you can do everything by email. See: https://assets.publishing.service.g...tachment_data/file/709465/Pension_info_02.pdf

Print the out the forms, fill them in, scan them back into PC and email to the Embassy as file attachments. Easy as that.

P.S. If you haven't got a 3 in 1 printer, scanner and copier you are welcome to use mine. I can print out the forms and scan them back in for you once filled in.
And the payment?
Bastards charge 100bht for postage and it was 37bht ems.
2299bht for the letter confirming pensions. Thieving twats.


I think the charge is £52 for the letter...valid for 6 months.... if paying by card (postage only £2). 2,400 Baht if stupid enough to pay by Bank draft.
Robjak what information/documents did you have to provide the Embassy with to obtain the confirmation letter?

Their due diligence is minimal.

I send my P60’s..... the sums are done on the application form - the embassy only check for basic evidence supporting those figures.
And I bet your embassy charged you bugger all. The British embassy expect you to take out a second mortgage to pay for their services.

For information, I renewed my passport in March 2010 as it was due to expire 06:06:10. However, during the time between the renewal and the expiry, I was required to conduct a 90 day report. Mrs Dow (big tits) completed all the transfers to the new passport. I didn't bother the British embassy and I shall not next time (if there is one).

The embassy letter is automatically sent with your renewed passport.

Suggest you renew in September 2019 after your 90 day report.
maybe covered further up (but my connection ain't no good)

Renewal of passport,
when is best to introduce the new passport to immigration;

before renewal of extension of stay
at the same time as extension of stay renewal
after renewal of extension of stay

It’s in my electronic diary.
Very posh. I use the free Microsoft Win 10 Calendar - excellent for sending reminders for all sorts of things, including birthdays, F1 and MotoGP. You can even add you own personal events too.
maybe covered further up (but my connection ain't no good)

Renewal of passport,
when is best to introduce the new passport to immigration;

before renewal of extension of stay
at the same time as extension of stay renewal
after renewal of extension of stay


At the time of renewal.

Immigration may choose to do it at a prior 90 day report if you offer them the choice.

You can’t do it after renewal because you would have a restricted extension to the expiry date of the old Passport.
It got very confusing (for me, anyway) when I obtained my new passport in 2010.

My extension of stay in my old passport expired at the same time as my passport expired (6th June). I was required to conduct a 90 day report anyway so I gathered up all the necessary paperwork to apply for my yearly extension at the same time (14th May). Dow transferred all the visa and extension information to the new passport and then changed the current extension expiry date to the day of my original (27th June). After she did that, she explained that I was too early to apply for a new extension (it was up to 30 days before at that time) so I would have to come back in two weeks or so. The office was in Chok Chai at that time so it was a 2 hour drive each way.
Colin, nowadays you can do everything by email. See: https://assets.publishing.service.g...tachment_data/file/709465/Pension_info_02.pdf

Print the out the forms, fill them in, scan them back into PC and email to the Embassy as file attachments. Easy as that.

P.S. If you haven't got a 3 in 1 printer, scanner and copier you are welcome to use mine. I can print out the forms and scan them back in for you once filled in.
Thanks Nomad
I only renewed in March using the money in the bank method, so I don't have to decide for a while which method to use on my next application.
I was interested to find out what I would need for the Embassy if I used income as I have 5 different sources of pension and although I can access year end tax certificates for the previous year only one notifies me the level of payment for the coming year.
I have used the Embassy Proof of Income letter for the past 15 years or so. In earlier years I used to send my P60's or Pension statements for my three incomes to the Embassy to support my claim. This is no longer necessary. All you have to do is fill in the form provided by the Embassy (https://assets.publishing.service.g...tachment_data/file/709465/Pension_info_02.pdf) :


P.S. In your case, 5 incomes, 5 lines on the form, tabulated and consolidated at the bottom. They no longer ask for proof of income so in theory you can put any income you like (within reason I guess).
Thanks Nomad
I only renewed in March using the money in the bank method, so I don't have to decide for a while which method to use on my next application.
I was interested to find out what I would need for the Embassy if I used income as I have 5 different sources of pension and although I can access year end tax certificates for the previous year only one notifies me the level of payment for the coming year.

Colin, you only need the most basic of evidence.....a bank statement showing the income would suffice.
I find it a little irksome that a certain member of SI seems to think the 90 day reporting and the annual renewal are somehow interconnected