Rice price

How much does 100kg of wet rice weigh when dry? That has to be factored in to the net price.

Yes they factor this in. 15% grain total moisture is the starting point ideal. any up or down you get a percentage decrease in price for your rice. Too dry is a detriment as well as the grain fractures and causes broken rice.

Your original question is straight forward for every 1% over 15 there is 1 litre of water or 1 Kg per 100 Kg. Subtracting that from the original wet price will get them some form of accuracy.

Don't forget they will also grade the quality of your grain. Whiteness, sheen and length of grain. They do this with a cursory glance.
Yes they factor this in. 15% grain total moisture is the starting point ideal. any up or down you get a percentage decrease in price for your rice. Too dry is a detriment as well as the grain fractures and causes broken rice.

Your original question is straight forward for every 1% over 15 there is 1 litre of water or 1 Kg per 100 Kg. Subtracting that from the original wet price will get them some form of accuracy.

Don't forget they will also grade the quality of your grain. Whiteness, sheen and length of grain. They do this with a cursory glance.

I recall from a couple of months back that they had a small sample of rice grains that were put in a tray, shook about a bit, and then inspected by eye. The guy pointed out some imperfection that resulted in my missus getting 1,350 Bt per tonne (I think) rather than the quoted 1,450 Bt,
All done here;

Most have finished harvesting in Lamduan area and now drying in earnest. Cut and sell 9 baht, dry about 14 baht. From what i can see, most people cut too early, grain is on the green side and damp. Unfortunately though harvesting largely governed by the contractors queue, if you miss your spot maybe have to wait too long. Also, two large contracting outfits from Korat upped and left for next venue with locals here still waiting for a harvester.Sadly, there is no money to speak of in Rice, and by the time they've all paid back their loans, they'll have to start the borrowing again!Crazy1Crazy1
Well, half of the wife's paddys has been harvested. Got 10.2 Baht/Kg and averaging 530 Kg/rai which is the best ever in my book. I could of got more for the rice except my cheif farm manager (Father inlaw) Mixed up some seed bags and planted out 30% red tinged rice. One rice buyer was so outraged he literally told me. Why are you trying to pass this crap off. Piss Off!! Before I left to take the rice some 10 Km to a buyer of such rice I told him to sit in the shade and have a rest as he looked like he needed it. Stopped him in his tracks. I love being kind to people berrating me. It completely f#$ks them. I will see soon if the same mistake has been perpetrated elsewhere.

Bottom line is. I have broke even so far.

An adjunct to this story is quite alarming though. While I was standing around the farmers selling. I heard what they were saying. They blame the new government for the current rice price and lament the latter as the price was so much better. They had no understanding what so ever the reason for it all, and just took a absolute simplistic conclusion. Before good, now bad it must be their fault.
Rice, after you have cultivated , purchased and planted seeds, cared for and sown your harvest - you have broken even. Good for you.

Essentially the 'rice pledge scheme' (scandal) was to help assist rural rice farmers make a profit though many higher up the industry's food chain reaped vastly more.

Imagine how the farmers that must lease the land are feeling with this current scenario.
They're just plowing further into debt with no light at the end of that tunnel.
Rice, after you have cultivated , purchased and planted seeds, cared for and sown your harvest - you have broken even. Good for you.

Essentially the 'rice pledge scheme' (scandal) was to help assist rural rice farmers make a profit though many higher up the industry's food chain reaped vastly more.

Imagine how the farmers that must lease the land are feeling with this current scenario.
They're just plowing further into debt with no light at the end of that tunnel.

While you are quite right, the pledging scheme was a ponzi scheme that was doomed to fail as it was set out on money they had not, and were betting on manipulating the world price, that did not come off.
You do know about the road to hell don't you?.

"Paved with good intentions"
Sounds a bit like the IMF along with the Federal Reserve...based on monies that they do not have.

Let's just call them credits and see if anyone takes notice.
Departed Kap Choeng November 3 at 5 am saw no rice being harvested from Prasat to Highway 2 all the way to Nakhon Sawan,still green but some turning yellow. 10 days later they may be cutting. We departed Phon Thong RoiEt this morning. Phon Tong is about half way between RoiEt and Mukdahan. All the rice paddies are still green and about about 2 more weeks for harvesting. We sew no rice being harvested until about the Mung River/Surin. Saw one rice mill mort of Surin Cit on the 214 advertising 10.50 baht per kilo for wet (cut and sell). Saw another mill just south of SC on the 214 advertising 14.50 for dried rice. Saw another just north of Prasat at 10.50 for wet and another mill about 12 km north of KC for 14.00 for dry. KC is at 10 baht for wet. All the wife's and her family is drying their rice about 60 rai at this moment, it was harvest two days ago.
Cannot drive through my village at night unless you are totally sober. There is rice parked on both sides of the road - no red lights -just a few sticks. It is an obstacle course. Quite frankly they deserve to have cars plough straight through it.
Our rice has been cut today and tonight and is arriving all over the front lawn area. Will let you know how much the Gorgeous Lek can get for it when she sells.
Departed Kap Choeng November 3 at 5 am saw no rice being harvested from Prasat to Highway 2 all the way to Nakhon Sawan,still green but some turning yellow. 10 days later they may be cutting. We departed Phon Thong RoiEt this morning. Phon Tong is about half way between RoiEt and Mukdahan. All the rice paddies are still green and about about 2 more weeks for harvesting. We sew no rice being harvested until about the Mung River/Surin. Saw one rice mill mort of Surin Cit on the 214 advertising 10.50 baht per kilo for wet (cut and sell). Saw another mill just south of SC on the 214 advertising 14.50 for dried rice. Saw another just north of Prasat at 10.50 for wet and another mill about 12 km north of KC for 14.00 for dry. KC is at 10 baht for wet. All the wife's and her family is drying their rice about 60 rai at this moment, it was harvest two days ago.

Any idea what yields she got GL ?
Any idea what yields she got GL ?

Last year it was 600 kilo per rai which is two over the average for this area. This year I was not hear for the cut and snip. The rice is drying at the moment and it will be a while till its sold then I can report back on yield and price.
Last year it was 600 kilo per rai which is two over the average for this area. This year I was not hear for the cut and snip. The rice is drying at the moment and it will be a while till its sold then I can report back on yield and price.

Oh Dear. You weren't here Bill. I wonder then how accurate your yield numbers will be. Freshly cut rice has "legs" too. shrug1
Drying. AND the GUARD.


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Our rice has been cut today and tonight and is arriving all over the front lawn area. Will let you know how much the Gorgeous Lek can get for it when she sells.

She got 10.6 bt/kilo. Sister whose paddy adjoins ours got 10.4, same place, same time. When I asked why the difference, my GL (not to be confused with the other GL) simply answered, "Because my rice was better!" Now I understand everything about rice farming!
Yes they factor this in. 15% grain total moisture is the starting point ideal. any up or down you get a percentage decrease in price for your rice. Too dry is a detriment as well as the grain fractures and causes broken rice.

Your original question is straight forward for every 1% over 15 there is 1 litre of water or 1 Kg per 100 Kg. Subtracting that from the original wet price will get them some form of accuracy.

Don't forget they will also grade the quality of your grain. Whiteness, sheen and length of grain. They do this with a cursory glance.

Rice, you (amongst others) have a good knowledge of rice farming.

Are there any arguments against ploughing in straight after harvest ?
Rice, you (amongst others) have a good knowledge of rice farming.

Are there any arguments against ploughing in straight after harvest ?

I have talked to the father inlaw about this but he has dismissed me many times.
Arguments against it are all about weed invasion as you would have to plough again anyway.

A few years down the line though you would see a marked decrease in the use of fertilizers this would have to be a win situation surely.

But Thais being Thais they want instant results.

So they rake up a couple of rai of rice stubble to feed to the Kwai and then the rest is just left to rot before damned well burning it. I would prefer ploughing it in. Maybe I will get my way one day. Adding humous to the soil would be a better method then burn.

PS My nick is "Rice" but it has nothing to do with rice farming as fate would have it, I grew into it.