Slightly Embarrassed at Kap Cheung



Went for the 90 day reporting today and was driven there by my landlady. The place was chocabloc but a few words to the immigration officer by her and I was dealt with and out of there in about 2 minutes. Hope she hasn't got any mafia ties !
Same as my last visit, the place was full but the IO processed my 90 day report in a moment. Lets be fair about this, it takes less than a minute to process a 90-day report and no photocopies or supporting documentation required. Why keep people in a queue for a couple of hours waiting for others to process their yearly extensions or other time consuming matters? I think it might make for a lot of resentment, especially as we have to do the 90-day report 4 times each year. Also, it helps to free up space in the office for the other people who know they will have a longer wait to process their applications. IMHO, KCI is spot on to fast track 90-day reports.
The 90-day report is usually quick at KC, especially if the place is full. They just want to get you out of the way.
Think of it as the "10 items or less" till at the supermarket.

Most of the customers at Makro are unable to count beyond 10, and queue up with overflowing trolleys at the 10 or less lane.. Rarely are they told to bugger off (at least not by Makro staff that is!) :).....Then the bastards bring out wads of 20baht notes, and bags of 5baht and 10 baht coins to pay their bill of many thousand baht which have to be counted, recounted and finally rechecked!

And why the fcuk do Thais insist on handing over notes with 4 x 20bt, wrapped with a 5th 20bt or 9 x 100bt wrapped with a 10th 100bt? . They all have to be unwrapped and counted!
ALL inefficiencies at Thai shops, factories, farms, and offices are a part of the official "Job Creation Program." We, in the West, have long since joined the "Job Destruction Program" by automating everything in sight, thus consigning millions of former workers to the scrapheap. Food for thought?
It probably stems from counting the days spent banged up in the nick. IIII then the diagonal as the 5th.
Those friggin' Thais...hrumph!
"Thais are fools!" was a response from a long-term member who currently is sadly on hiatus.

Nick, you're a Permanent Resident of Thailand and do not have to report your address of residency every 90 days.

Do you believe a secondary reason that IMM of Thailand granted you with said status was in order to assist enabling the Pranchonchai/ Buriram/ Surin area to pick up the overall general IQ level of those who go shopping at Makro in order to compensate for the multitude of those who are shopping without sufficient maths skills ?
(I'm beginning to think likewise.)
Those friggin' Thais...hrumph!
"Thais are fools!" was a response from a long-term member who currently is sadly on hiatus.

Nick, you're a Permanent Resident of Thailand and do not have to report your address of residency every 90 days.

Do you believe a secondary reason that IMM of Thailand granted you with said status was in order to assist enabling the Pranchonchai/ Buriram/ Surin area to pick up the overall general IQ level of those who go shopping at Makro in order to compensate for the multitude of those who are shopping without sufficient maths skills ?
(I'm beginning to think likewise.)

There used to be a common joke amongst farangs in the Pattaya area, when I was living there pre 2000, (and incidentally where I was living when granted PR), that the first words uttered by a newborn Thai girl was "Ha Roi baht". I believe their maths skills have advanced well into four figures since then! Shouldn't therefore be a problem when out shopping.
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"..........the first words uttered by a newborn Thai girl was "500baht"........" - I always thought the first two phrases learnt were "hew khow" and "mai mee satang".
Most of the customers at Makro are unable to count beyond 10, and queue up with overflowing trolleys at the 10 or less lane.. Rarely are they told to bugger off

I have stood in that 10 items or less aisle and have seen the staff move them on and being quite exasperated at doing so. The sign is in English and Thai but in Surin there are a lot of Khmer shoppers in Makro. Having said that though I believe Thais just do not read signs, even the younger ones that should be able to read. This goes for road signs as well.
I have stood in that 10 items or less aisle and have seen the staff move them on and being quite exasperated at doing so. The sign is in English and Thai but in Surin there are a lot of Khmer shoppers in Makro. Having said that though I believe Thais just do not read signs, even the younger ones that should be able to read. This goes for road signs as well.

Me first attitude.:rolleyes:
Most of the customers at Makro are unable to count beyond 10, and queue up with overflowing trolleys...(cont'd)...
And why the fcuk do Thais insist on handing...(cont'd)...

"Most of the customers at Makro are unable..."
"And why the fcuk do Thais..."

You as well as the majority of members on this forum are married to a Thai and like yourself many have children/ (or adolescents) who are Thai.

I'm wondering as to what their reply was when you inquired.
Have any other members inquired and received a reasonable response from their SWMBO or kids ?

Would anyone care to share those responses with the forum ? :rolleyes:
"Most of the customers at Makro are unable..."
"And why the fcuk do Thais..."

You as well as the majority of members on this forum are married to a Thai and like yourself many have children/ (or adolescents) who are Thai.

I'm wondering as to what their reply was when you inquired.
Have any other members inquired and received a reasonable response from their SWMBO or kids ?

Would anyone care to share those responses with the forum ? :rolleyes:

Yea ..f**k OFF.o_O
I pay little attention to signs (at Makro Buriram) designating a checkout for those with 15 items or less (not 10). Nobody else does and, as often as not, there is only one person in the queue. Sometimes I give the cashier a little packet containing 20 baht's worth of 25 and 50 satang coins. Last time I did this, there was a farang in the queue behind me, and I apologised with a grin for the satang coins. He did not look happy!

But many is the time when I have had fewer than 15 items and have used another checkout line. I reckon it all balances out in the long run.

Take it easy, guys! TIT
"Most of the customers at Makro are unable..."
"And why the fcuk do Thais..."

You as well as the majority of members on this forum are married to a Thai and like yourself many have children/ (or adolescents) who are Thai.

I'm wondering as to what their reply was when you inquired.
Have any other members inquired and received a reasonable response from their SWMBO or kids ?

Would anyone care to share those responses with the forum ? :rolleyes:

No need to enquire Coffee. My wife is often with me in Makro, and expresses her disquiet when she sees the ignorant Thais who show no consideration for other people. As GL says, many have a "ME FIRST" attitude. In fact lack of consideration is a common trait of many Thais, which can be seen in many places ie when other customers are being served in a pharmacy or small shop when they barge in and bark out their order, or of course constantly on the roads when driving . So far as the kids are concerned, I point out the inconsiderate conduct of others to them, and indicate that they of course should never do the same.
No need to enquire Coffee. My wife is often with me in Makro, and expresses her disquiet when she sees the ignorant Thais who show no consideration for other people. As GL says, many have a "ME FIRST" attitude. In fact lack of consideration is a common trait of many Thais, which can be seen in many places ie when other customers are being served in a pharmacy or small shop when they barge in and bark out their order, or of course constantly on the roads when driving . So far as the kids are concerned, I point out the inconsiderate conduct of others to them, and indicate that they of course should never do the same.

Try qeueing up for a train in China...'Forward we march!'
Thai schools are teaching , "To be number one - you must be ambitious."

I believe that IB might be closer to the mark. Gracious, I've never witnessed packs of satangs (eighty 25-satang or forty 50-satang) being handed in to a cashier early on a weekday.
What time do you fellows play at Makro ?
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