Slightly Embarrassed at Kap Cheung

Before Marco had the "10/15 items or less" tills I was about to purchase an ink cartridge for my printer when I discovered that the check out queues were quite extensive. "Bugger that" I thought and returned the item to the "shelf" at which time, one of the sales staff asked my wife why I did not want the item. My wife explained and the sales person took the item with my money and barged to the front of the queue. The Thais who were in the said queue did not appear impressed.

Didn't really bother me.
I'll put my hand and say I didn't know there was a 15 items or less queue in Makro until a couple of months ago. I have been using the place since 2004 and only found out in January 2016 when SWMBO said, "Why are you in this queue? Its for 15 items or less." "Well I be buggered," I replied, "Never knew that before.".
Try qeueing up for a train in China...'Forward we march!'

Boarding the "Marrakesh Express" to travel to Tangiers in the early 70's was fun. Third class passengers were not allowed onto the platform until all first and second class passengers had boarded. Then the massive door was opened and it was every man, chicken and goat for himself.
I'll put my hand and say I didn't know there was a 15 items or less queue in Makro until a couple of months ago. I have been using the place since 2004 and only found out in January 2016 when SWMBO said, "Why are you in this queue? Its for 15 items or less." "Well I be buggered," I replied, "Never knew that before.".

I do not believe that the Surin "express" facility has been there much longer than about six months. Of course, I could be wrong.
I pay little attention to signs (at Makro Buriram) designating a checkout for those with 15 items or less (not 10). Nobody else does and, as often as not, there is only one person in the queue. Sometimes I give the cashier a little packet containing 20 baht's worth of 25 and 50 satang coins. Last time I did this, there was a farang in the queue behind me, and I apologised with a grin for the satang coins. He did not look happy!

But many is the time when I have had fewer than 15 items and have used another checkout line. I reckon it all balances out in the long run.

Take it easy, guys! TIT

Then IB you are as bad as the inconsiderate Thais I have mentioned.

Sure the cashiers need satang coins. Please take them to customer service to exchange them. just as those customers with bags of coins or hundreds of small notes should do. Show consideration for others, whoever they may be..It could have been Yorky wanting to pay for his ink. If it were me, you would be very clearly made aware that I was not happy.

If Makro want to have a 10 item only check out, or Tesco or Big C have a promotion limiting buyers to a maximum of a specific item, then they should either enforce it, or drop it altogether.

Earlier this week, Tuesday I believe, I was in Makro Buriram, and specifically observed the "quickie queue" I did indeed have 15 items, but the sign clearly said 10 items. The adjoining cashier called me to her check out as there was nobody there.

Apologies, we seem to have drifted off-topic, unless GL has omitted to inform us that Makro have opened a store at Kap Choeng.
Boarding the "Marrakesh Express" to travel to Tangiers in the early 70's was fun. Third class passengers were not allowed onto the platform until all first and second class passengers had boarded. Then the massive door was opened and it was every man, chicken and goat for himself.

It was much the same at Bucharest, when I boarded a Tarom flight to London. No 1st or business class. Just a mad charge for the boarding steps.
Ahh, another blast from the past. Around late 80's I think - boarding Concorde Airways in Lagos for the flight to Port Harcourt. The airline just sells tickets, no seat allocation, and they continue to sell without regard for the plane's capacity. Luckily we employed a "fixer" so we made the flight.

[I wish we hadn't - Port Harcourt is an even bigger shit hole than Lagos!]
PN, I think consideration for others is a thing of the past now even in uk. Last week I was waiting behind somebody to use Bangkok bank atm in robinsons and a Thai man jumped in front of me and I said in my best thai " ay I'm fuking next" He got the meaning.

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PN, I think consideration for others is a thing of the past now even in uk. Last week I was waiting behind somebody to use Bangkok bank atm in robinsons and a Thai man jumped in front of me and I said in my best thai " ay I'm fuking next" He got the meaning.

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A sad reflection of the times we live in. I have always shown consideration to others (my parents taught me) , and I hope my kids have learnt what I taught them. I thought the monks in their wats were supposed to teach folk right from wrong. Obviously that is not the case.

Stand up for your rights, eh Robjak!
A few years ago I was in an ATM queue behind an old lady and a number of her relations (or possibly creditors) who was extracting c. Bht 5,000 in Bht 400.00 transactions as she didn't want Bht500.00/1,000.00 notes. Not only that, she removed the card after each of the transactions.
PN, I think consideration for others is a thing of the past now even in uk. Last week I was waiting behind somebody to use Bangkok bank atm in robinsons and a Thai man jumped in front of me and I said in my best thai " ay I'm fuking next" He got the meaning.

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Well done, Robjak, but do remember that people have been knifed to death for less!
Then IB you are as bad as the inconsiderate Thais I have mentioned.

Sure the cashiers need satang coins. Please take them to customer service to exchange them. just as those customers with bags of coins or hundreds of small notes should do. Show consideration for others, whoever they may be..It could have been Yorky wanting to pay for his ink. If it were me, you would be very clearly made aware that I was not happy.

If Makro want to have a 10 item only check out, or Tesco or Big C have a promotion limiting buyers to a maximum of a specific item, then they should either enforce it, or drop it altogether.

Earlier this week, Tuesday I believe, I was in Makro Buriram, and specifically observed the "quickie queue" I did indeed have 15 items, but the sign clearly said 10 items. The adjoining cashier called me to her check out as there was nobody there.

Apologies, we seem to have drifted off-topic, unless GL has omitted to inform us that Makro have opened a store at Kap Choeng.

I stand rebuked,mein fuhrer.
I thought I'd seen overcrowded underground trains on my daily commute into 'the smoke' using the dreaded Northern Line until I visited Tokyo last year!!!!!
Organized chaos!!!!

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