Some interesting info about the marriage process in Thailand

Thanks for that bit of info Dave... I'm glad we were married in the USA because after reading the requirements for marriage in Thailand I'm not so sure if either of us would pass the second requirement, 'Neither party should be insane'...... LMAO1
I once worked in Tooting Bec Mental Asylum and couldn't tell the patients from the staff!
I once worked in Tooting Bec Mental Asylum and couldn't tell the patients from the staff!
I also worked at a loony bin one time and there was a guy there pushing an upside down wheelbarrow around.When questioned about this he replied I may be mad but I'm not daft,if I had it the other way up some f*cker would only fill it up and I'd still have to push it around.
I had a tint in the old Calan Park....trying to heal bedsores as big as saucers and down to the bone.