Surin City Map

Little India also suggested, "As just a suggestion if Nomad is not busy, then when recommending a place it would be best to send him the directions for him to add to the map to make it easier, or alternatively make the map open source so anybody can add where something is?"

If the map was open source for anyone to amend I think we could get ourselves into trouble very quickly. I have trouble from time to time because I can and do lose the source document and have to modify an earlier edition. All we need is a troll to modify the map and I think you can imagine the rest. I think the arrangements are best left as they are. I am happy to amend the map as and when it is necessary.
Please find Amdt 7. This shows the exact location of "The Office" and it is listed as restaurant *10. You will find it along the left-hand side of the airfield and just below and to the left of the Elephant Stadium.
It used to be that when images were posted to SF they were reduced in size for the forum view but were clickable to view the original "full" size in another window. This facility is unfortunately not now available. Under 95% of circumstances this would not be necessary, but I believe it would be of great benefit for momad's map.
It used to be that when images were posted to SF they were reduced in size for the forum view but were clickable to view the original "full" size in another window. This facility is unfortunately not now available. Under 95% of circumstances this would not be necessary, but I believe it would be of great benefit for momad's map.

New glasses may also help! And not the wet variety for holding ale.
How about listing the Wats so we know where to go if a friend possibly goes tits up...possibly. :innocent:
How about listing the Wats so we know where to go if a friend possibly goes tits up...possibly. :innocent:
Think tourists would be more interested if you plotted the 2 soapy Massage places as that's something most towns don't have!

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Damn , Ivor. I surmised every city had soapies. I guess I have lived a sheltered life. :screamcat:
Now come to think of it you might be quite right.
I've never had a tourist come up to me and inquire where they could take a bath.
They just want to know where they can find a lady and get laid. :blush: