The Yellow house book.

Strange. I've never been married in Thailand nor do I possess a YELLOW HOUSE BOOK.

I possess two bank account (down from three) , a 5-year Thai Dr Lic (that I never produce on request but will in case of an accident) and purchased and own two vehicles with title and registration in my name.

The YHB is really for what ? :rolleyes:

To wipe ones ass..;;bad simle;; AND bragging rights with the noobs.:rolleyes:
Strange. I've never been married in Thailand nor do I possess a YELLOW HOUSE BOOK.

I possess two bank account (down from three) , a 5-year Thai Dr Lic (that I never produce on request but will in case of an accident) and purchased and own two vehicles with title and registration in my name.

The YHB is really for what ? :rolleyes:

Did you provide a "proof of address" for the opening of the bank accounts, the purchase of the vehicles and the driving licence?
For the licenses and vehicle purchases I had to get a Letter (of Residency/ of good standing ?) from Immigration. I think it was valid for 90 days from date of letter to making a purchase.

For the Banks I believe I provided my passport and visa information. I really don't readily recall anything else as I was residing in an apartment.
Got YHB in about 30 minutes in Surin City, very easy. I have used it on many occasions to prove where I live. Getting a driver licence, getting my annual extension, one of the points of proof in obtaining my children's Aussie citizenship by descent, opening a bank account......
For the Banks I believe I provided my passport and visa information. I really don't readily recall anything else as I was residing in an apartment.

The first bank accounts that I opened (1999 and 2001) all that was required was my passport and a wad of cash. That has since changed, at least in Kasikorn. However, to obtain internet banking at Bangkok Bank (2000) I was required to possess a work permit (I believe that work permits indicate your address?).
For the licenses and vehicle purchases I had to get a Letter (of Residency/ of good standing ?) from Immigration. I think it was valid for 90 days from date of letter to making a purchase.

Am I correct that the Certificate of Residency now costs Bht 500.00 per letter and that you need one for each vehicle that you purchase or sell?
Am I correct that the Certificate of Residency now costs Bht 500.00 per letter and that you need one for each vehicle that you purchase or sell?

Varies from Im off to Im off
I have to pay 1500 per piece
Andd a true heap of docs are required
Am I correct that the Certificate of Residency now costs Bht 500.00 per letter and that you need one for each vehicle that you purchase or sell?

Incorrect. It is free at Surin Immigration. Rice just got two the past Wednesday with NO charge.
Incorrect. It is free at Surin Immigration. Rice just got two the past Wednesday with NO charge.

It was 2011 when I last needed one.

And there is now conflicting information. Is there a charge for the CR or not?

Whichever Immigration office?