I am only one pair of some 1 million hands CO-CO. This isn't my battle against injustice, but one in which the more hands are shown the less unlikely it is that the injustice will continue. While accepting your statement that the politicians have repeatedly stated they have no intention of redressing the balance, it cannot be argued against that by raising the matter on a regular basis fails to keep the matter in the public eye (or in those of us at retirement age or above anyway.)
Some of us expats may have been disowned as you state, but that isn't really a 'good' proportion, is it? Several may be regarded as having joined the 'dirty mac brigade' but that is a slur on the others who came here for different benefits. Even so, should those who simply chose a country where the cost of living, the climate, the scenery (human or otherwise) is lower than in the West be discriminated against compared with those who already enjoy pension increases? We're told that we have been advised of our diminishing pension rights by seeking that negative information, even if we might have assumed that our rights should be equal wherever we choose to live out our remaining time. The small print may reveal that particular bit of bad news, but who would anticipate that retiring in Thailand would deny us the increases that living in the Philippines provide automatically? Did we sign up for that obscure bit of news when we decided to live here or was it made clear to us all beforehand without the need to rummage around websites to find it? Isn't that a bit like passing a driving test in the UK and then finding out that you can be guilty of breaking obscure laws you'd never heard of prior to your decision to drive your vehicle? (
https://www.kentlive.news/news/motoring/you-probably-broken-most-32-3319223 )
Ignorance may be bliss in some circumstances, but not when it comes to being able to afford to live beyond retirement age as a direct result of the inequality of the rules laid down by a few privileged folk who simply could not care less, as witnessed by the weak responses they have made to the subject. Never was the old saying "Bugger you, I'm all right Jack" more relevant when expressed by those whose own public-funded, index-linked, and future-proof pensions (irrespective of their in-service experience) are so generous in comparison.