Prakhonchai Nick

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Have just heard from a friend that Hull Consulate are only offering the following:-

tourist visa single entry only 3 months cost £20

tourist visa with multiple entries ,alot of info now needed, but gives 6 months with visa runs cost £125.

non immigrant visa all now single entry ie 90 days cost £50
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Sounds like they are starting to come into line. What is it with not allowing a multi ?? Anyway.

Why do the offer it on the form, just to refuse it?
Some of life's baffling questions. I think I will understand women first before I understand Thai visa policy.
Sounds like they are starting to come into line. What is it with not allowing a multi ?? Anyway.

Why do the offer it on the form, just to refuse it?
Some of life's baffling questions. I think I will understand women first before I understand Thai visa policy.
Welcome to the unified new ASEAN community!

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Savannaket is looking more and more out of line.
Savannaket is looking more and more out of line.

That is what worries me .:anguished:
Well if they stop Multi o. I will just have to get singles until I get a fixed address. I was even told at Immi 1 I was not allowed to ever go there because my wife ID card is Surin.
That is what worries me .:anguished:
Well if they stop Multi o. I will just have to get singles until I get a fixed address. I was even told at Immi 1 I was not allowed to ever go there because my wife ID card is Surin.

So.:p Get a fixed address and not on Soi Kola.:D
OK, not from England, but from the Consulate General in Frankfurt: Non Immigration Longstay Retirement Visa O/A, multiple entries, 1 year, 150€. I paid end of September this year. Fixed address, but not married...
Have just heard from a friend that Hull Consulate are only offering the following:-

tourist visa single entry only 3 months cost £20

tourist visa with multiple entries ,alot of info now needed, but gives 6 months with visa runs cost £125.

non immigrant visa all now single entry ie 90 days cost £50

I received this Email from Hull last week when I made an enquiry regarding 90 day reporting....

Dear Sir,
We believe that you can visit your local Thai Immigration Office to activate each 90-day stay so suggest you check in advance at your local Thai Immigration Office.
Please note that as of 19 September 2016 it is no longer possible to grant multiple entry Non-Immigrant visas. The new procedure from 19 Sep is that you travel to Thailand on a single entry and then visit your local Thai Immigration Office every 90 days to activate your next 90-day stay.
We will appreciate any information you can feed back to us on this process in due course and what the fee is.
Royal Thai Consulate
HU13 9PB
I received this Email from Hull last week when I made an enquiry regarding 90 day reporting....

Dear Sir,
We believe that you can visit your local Thai Immigration Office to activate each 90-day stay so suggest you check in advance at your local Thai Immigration Office.
Please note that as of 19 September 2016 it is no longer possible to grant multiple entry Non-Immigrant visas. The new procedure from 19 Sep is that you travel to Thailand on a single entry and then visit your local Thai Immigration Office every 90 days to activate your next 90-day stay.
We will appreciate any information you can feed back to us on this process in due course and what the fee is.
Royal Thai Consulate
HU13 9PB

Sorry but that info is total BS. Immigration never never and never activates any 90 day stay. If you had a O-Multy that is good for 12 months then every 90 days you have to leave Thailand and return to activate the next 90 day stay. This is done at a crossing such as Chong Chom NOT at immigration. People at Hull have their heads up their arse.:rolleyes:
I received this Email from Hull last week when I made an enquiry regarding 90 day reporting....

Dear Sir,
We believe that you can visit your local Thai Immigration Office to activate each 90-day stay so suggest you check in advance at your local Thai Immigration Office.
Please note that as of 19 September 2016 it is no longer possible to grant multiple entry Non-Immigrant visas. The new procedure from 19 Sep is that you travel to Thailand on a single entry and then visit your local Thai Immigration Office every 90 days to activate your next 90-day stay.
We will appreciate any information you can feed back to us on this process in due course and what the fee is.
Royal Thai Consulate
HU13 9PB

"Oh, Dear!" Left hand really does not know what the right hand does. Mind you I knew this but confirmation is still a shock.
For information that is closer to the truth deal with the embassy in London
Hull were very good when I visited them, they were more than helpful, from what I can gather the guy that runs the place is a brit who is there because his Grandfather started the consulate many years ago as he was a trader in the far east, the guy is not married to a Thai and as far as I know doesn't speak Thai so he probably uses feed back in order to give advice. I did ask if I could apply to London and was told only by post and if there is a problem the documents are returned with no refund, applying in person he will help you to make any corrections to the point of agreeing to send him an email to confirm requirements after he has issues visa.
I received this Email from Hull last week when I made an enquiry regarding 90 day reporting....

Dear Sir,
We believe that you can visit your local Thai Immigration Office to activate each 90-day stay so suggest you check in advance at your local Thai Immigration Office.
Please note that as of 19 September 2016 it is no longer possible to grant multiple entry Non-Immigrant visas. The new procedure from 19 Sep is that you travel to Thailand on a single entry and then visit your local Thai Immigration Office every 90 days to activate your next 90-day stay.
We will appreciate any information you can feed back to us on this process in due course and what the fee is.
Royal Thai Consulate
HU13 9PB
In belgium the same. When you're not married or don't have family they don't give you a non immigrant "OA" multiple entry, . For a longer stay you can have a immigrant "O" (3 months) to make an extention on it or a tourist visa, maximum 6 months and you have to leave (or to report?) every 60 days.
Hull were very good when I visited them, they were more than helpful, from what I can gather the guy that runs the place is a brit who is there because his Grandfather started the consulate many years ago as he was a trader in the far east, the guy is not married to a Thai and as far as I know doesn't speak Thai so he probably uses feed back in order to give advice. I did ask if I could apply to London and was told only by post and if there is a problem the documents are returned with no refund, applying in person he will help you to make any corrections to the point of agreeing to send him an email to confirm requirements after he has issues visa.

They seriously need to get their act together as they are putting out very incorrect information.
In belgium the same. When you're not married or don't have family they don't give you a non immigrant "OA" multiple entry, . For a longer stay you can have a immigrant "O" (3 months) to make an extention on it or a tourist visa, maximum 6 months and you have to leave (or to report?) every 60 days.

That sounds like the one Aussie George used to obtain from Adelade (or Melbourne). Six month double entry, each entry 60 days which could be extended to 90 days at Immigration at cost of Bht 1,900.00. Then leave the country, come back and do the same again.
That sounds like the one Aussie George used to obtain from Adelade (or Melbourne). Six month double entry, each entry 60 days which could be extended to 90 days at Immigration at cost of Bht 1,900.00. Then leave the country, come back and do the same again.

Not even . An O-A multi is a 2 year visa obtainable only in your home country. The first year has a built in mutable reentry permit that allows you come and go as much as you want to. When you activate the second year you need to BUY another reentry permit from immigration if you want to exit Thailand. Also This OA visa does not need a an address inside Thailand when you apply for it.

Also. There are no more multi tourist visa any where to be had in the world for Thailand. A single tourist visa good for 60 days and extended for 30 days inside Thailand at immigration..YES. What the multi tourist visa has been replace with is a METV which is good for 6 months. You need to exit every 2 months (border hop) to activate the next entry for 60 days. Technically every 60 day entry you could extend at immigration for 30 days BUT the catch is the "enter by date". To get the most out of this visa you do the first two hops then on your last 60 days entry you go to immigration and extend for 30 days. Doing it this way you can get almost 7 months. The METV can only be gotten in your home country and there are financial requirments to get it. UK I believe is showing 5000 GBP.
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Not even . An O-A multi is a 2 year visa obtainable only in your home country. The first year has a built in mutable reentry permit that allows you come and go as much as you want to. When you activate the second year you need to BUY another reentry permit from immigration if you want to exit Thailand. Also This OA visa does not need a an address inside Thailand when you apply for it.

Also. There are no more multi tourist visa any where to be had in the world for Thailand. A single tourist visa good for 60 days and extended for 30 days inside Thailand at immigration..YES. What the multi tourist visa has been replace with is a METV which is good for 6 months. You need to exit every 2 months (border hop) to activate the next entry for 60 days. Technically every 60 day entry you could extend at immigration for 30 days BUT the catch is the "enter by date". To get the most out of this visa you do the first two hops then on your last 60 days entry you go to immigration and extend for 30 days. Doing it this way you can get almost 7 months. The METV can only be gotten in your home country and there are financial requirments to get it. UK I believe is showing 5000 GBP.
are you now saying that the 30 day on entry visa is now good for 60 days?