Who's who at KCI

I believe that list is outdated. Telephone # is correct.

Nomad , can you find the two investigators that visited your home from that list ?
Interesting I wonder where they all sit?

There are 44 pictures and only 43 names. Maybe the secretary is there.
Interesting I wonder where they all sit?

There are 44 pictures and only 43 names. Maybe the secretary is there.

She's not the wife looked. Number 8 is Pol. Cap. Pitak Kaewkhamhan he does the signing off of extensions. Number 1 is Pol. Lt. Col. Somsak Wongchaiprasert. his family owns the large DYS's In Prasat.
I believe that list is outdated. Telephone # is correct.

Nomad , can you find the two investigators that visited your home from that list ?

Two? We had three turn up for the inquisition. SWMBO did recognise one of them from the photos shown, as did I.

I have always found that it is next to impossible to keep org charts up to date, especially when showing photos too. Its the kind of job that only gets updated once in a while. Still, there are some familiar faces on the chart and it may help some to know who they are dealing with, especially the names and ranks at the bottom of the page.
She's not the wife looked. Number 8 is Pol. Cap. Pitak Kaewkhamhan he does the signing off of extensions. Number 1 is Pol. Lt. Col. Somsak Wongchaiprasert. his family owns the large DYS's In Prasat.

Maybe that is not the case any longer GL. I had to wait an hour for the man second row down on the left who was busy down the road at Chong Chom when I arrived. I'm pretty sure he is No 2 on the list, Pol. Lt. Col. Bunchid Wangwahklang. No one else could sign off on my extension, not even Pol Major Kajornbunyawat who had processed my application. He handed my folder and passport to him for signature. I might add that he apologised very sincerely for keeping me waiting for him to return.
Maybe that is not the case any longer GL. I had to wait an hour for the man second row down on the left who was busy down the road at Chong Chom when I arrived. I'm pretty sure he is No 2 on the list, Pol. Lt. Col. Bunchid Wangwahklang. No one else could sign off on my extension, not even Pol Major Kajornbunyawat who had processed my application. He handed my folder and passport to him for signature. I might add that he apologised very sincerely for keeping me waiting for him to return.

There have been report of some very unhappy campers over the gentleman I pointed out so possibly they are moving up the ladder.
IMO. If KCI is having a Pol. Lt. Col. give a pep talk to farangs then you can bet your sweet arse that this change did not come from within KCI but from outside KCI.
IMO. If KCI is having a Pol. Lt. Col. give a pep talk to farangs then you can bet your sweet arse that this change did not come from within KCI but from outside KCI.

I didn't get a pep talk, just a short conversation about my family who were with me, my wife and two daughters, and a signature on my passport.
I didn't get a pep talk, just a short conversation about my family who were with me, my wife and two daughters, and a signature on my passport.

Its a pep talk and other have reported this conversation with the Lt. Col. You can take my above comment to the bank.
Possibly yes, if it's an Immigration staff position under KCI's jurisdiction.
I had to wait an hour for the man second row down on the left who was busy down the road at Chong Chom when I arrived. I might add that he apologised very sincerely for keeping me waiting for him to return.

Curious Nomad , what language did he use to apologize very sincerely for keeping your family waiting ?
No if it is.

So GL, you're stating that an investigator or another pictured IO would never be at a border Immigration office at any time while they are on duty ?

I beg to differ. Why would Nomad and others be kept waiting while an official returned from Chong Chom ?
So GL, you're stating that an investigator or another pictured IO would never be at a border Immigration office at any time while they are on duty ?

I beg to differ. Why would Nomad and others be kept waiting while an official returned from Chong Chom ?

Chong Chom is under KCI jurisdiction. And there is NO immigration office as such at that or any crossing.
So one one proceeds north or south through the border at Chong Chom there is no "Immigration Office as such" located there ?
An investigator or staff would never be called to that border ?
So one one proceeds north or south through the border at Chong Chom there is no "Immigration Office as such" located there ?
An investigator or staff would never be called to that border ?

As a matter of interest then, What do you call those folk that stamp your passport at the crossing then ?