Who's who at KCI

So one one proceeds north or south through the border at Chong Chom there is no "Immigration Office as such" located there ?
An investigator or staff would never be called to that border ?

Coffee take your troll hat off.:p
There are approx 60 "Immigration Offices" throughout Thailand. Their manpower literally is tasked to cover every km2 when on the duty of Immigration.

Yes, KCI is the 'official office' for a wide area regardless of where their officers are actually working.

Of course I would never write 'F*** off' to a friend or foe...and you're a friend.
I'll end this digressive part the conversation for the sake of peace and harmony.

How are the pineapples growing ? ;)
There are approx 60 "Immigration Offices" throughout Thailand. Their manpower literally is tasked to cover every km2 when on the duty of Immigration.

Yes, KCI is the 'official office' for a wide area regardless of where their officers are actually working.

Of course I would never write 'F*** off' to a friend or foe...and you're a friend.
I'll end this digressive part the conversation for the sake of peace and harmony.

How are the pineapples growing ? ;)

The pineapple pina colada are coming along. Need another 12 month tell we can sample.:D
A reply to Coffee - Thai! What did you think? No, on second thoughts don't answer that, its a rhetorical question.
A reply to Coffee - Thai! What did you think? No, on second thoughts don't answer that, its a rhetorical question.

You really have toned it down , Nomad. I can't believe that you didn't jump on the "English is the official language of..."
No, on second thought I won't go there. You were in the presence of SWMBO so you kept your mouth shut. ;)
Good on you M8 !

(So you really don't know exactly what was actually said as you only received a 'translated' version.) Great stuff , innit :p