^^^ I'm posting an actual transaction rate after all fees and charges...not a 'phantom' rate prior to 'deductions'.
SCB "T.T. rate" - 36.07 at 10:20 this morning.
Not as high as when chips were exchanged in October but anything over 36 on the latest uptick move is fine by me. If the pundits/ oracles are correct on 37 later this year I'll be on my way to the bank again.
18 Sept 2015 :
LOL , Rice. Thanks as I was sleeping soundly. Dream1
Three weeks ago I received 35.46 (and posted to that effect).
25 - 35 satang isn't going to make much of a difference to me keeping in mind that the USD was exchanging under 30 just two years ago.
So if it pushes above 36 I'll jump back in...(and even possibly again by year's end if there's a downward move towards 35).
Conversely watching the AUD slump from 32 just two years ago to where it is today
I would indeed lose some sleep (without sheep).
Obviously American expats who cash out US$ into THB are feeling the pain after their first year under the Trump Administration.
Go to the currency exchange window of your local financial institution and you'll be lucky to pass go and collect 32 for your greenback.
Sure Trump wants to make American corporations more competitive through lower taxes along with a weaker dollar but seriously --- a decrease of more than 10% in 2017 and still falling doesn't bode well for the world's "reserve currency".
(Possibly it's still strong against the currencies south of the wall.
"Señor, how much is that taco ?")
[Look at the equity markets. Talking about irrational exuberance. OMFG. ]
Nice tool there Rice.
It would appear it sucks to be in a THB life-style at present for exchanging the devalued US$.
[Look at the equity markets. Talking about irrational exuberance. OMFG. And Trump's going to add what, ONE TRILLION, to the national debt "to create jobs for 'AMERICANS'". Double OMFG-FOS. ]
Xe 32.19
"F*ch dat shyte homey ...we're exchangin' bee-low 32 now, chump !"
[Or should I change two consonants and say Trump. ]