90-day report online: web address please!


Surin Dinosaur
Several people (including myself) seem to have been having problems doing the 90-day report online.

To help those of us who are maybe a bit IT-challenged (and even some who are not), could anyone who has done this successfully post on here the precise web address they used, together with which browser they were using.

When we get this clear, it should be posted as a Sticky, Mods!
The link I posted above did not work for me. I used Microsoft Edge, their latest web browser, and found a new link through the official Immigration Bureau website.


This linked worked for me and I was given the opening page of the Apply for Notification of residence when staying in the Kingdom over 90 days.

Scroll down to the bottom of the instructions and tick the box that says,

*I have read and fully understand the above terms and conditions and agree to accept them

Once you tick that box you will go through to the start of the 90-day report screen. I have not gone further although I will do in a couple of weeks time when I am next due to complete the 90-day report.

Hope this helps.
Yes I do! Don't use it very often, that's all.

After accepting the opening screen shown earlier, and accepting the terms and conditions, this will lead you to:

90 day.jpg

Courtesy of screen print - and Yorky!
Don't you have a <Prt Scr> facility Nomad?

Not everyone was born with this knowledge Yorky.

For information. This function has been around since MSDOS 1, along with a few others quirks that lay hidden, all the way to present Windows 10.

Here's how NM or anyone else that does not know.

Say you want a screen capture of your present screen.

Find on your keyboard the Print Scrn key it is always with another function, could be anything on different keyboards. But it is always a SHIFT function to acquire it.

So press Shift Print Srn button. Does not appear to do anything, but what it has done, is shifted the screen image to the paste buffer of the operating system.

Open mspaint by typing mspaint in the windows dialogue/run box.

After mspaint pops up hit control v and there you have it. You can also select paste from the upper left, if you want to.

Since I see you know already NM, I will still leave it for anyone else. You never know.
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Yes I do! Don't use it very often, that's all.

My computer specialist (Toaster of Kalasin) assists me with many matters particularly in connection with operating systems and my websites.

Whenever I have problems (which is often) he asks me to send him a screenshot so you can imagine how many times I have used the facility.

On my Compaq desktop keyboard (Eng and Thai) the keys are <Ctrl> <Prt Scr> whereas on my Compaq laptop, they are <Fn> <prt sc>.
I've tried the 90-day notification on Chrome through the Immigration website. The form comes up all right, and I filled it in about half way. Travel details were resistant; they just wouldn't register, or registered very slowly, omitting one or two figures.

I shall leave it until tomorrow!
I've tried the 90-day notification on Chrome through the Immigration website. The form comes up all right, and I filled it in about half way. Travel details were resistant; they just wouldn't register, or registered very slowly, omitting one or two figures.

I shall leave it until tomorrow!

Did you not get an "unsecure site" warning with Chrome? I do. Then when I by-pass the warning the "https" is scored out.

Why do they require the flight number? TM47 didn't ask for that.

It's a strange world we live in.
Courtesy of screen print - and Yorky!

I wasn't trying to teach my Grandmother to suck eggs, but I've inherently hated camera phones even before the launch of farcebook.

I try my best to produce photographs (or images as they are now known) that are of reasonable quality, given the resouces available, and I hope I have achieved at least that.
I've tried several times now to report through IE8.

It simply refuses to open the extranet website.

End of story, I guess. See you, KCI, in early September.
Bye the way NM have you found out though if your ancient TM 6 works yet?

Not yet, next Monday is the 14 days before reporting point. I will give it a try and then join IB for the day out to KCI on 6th September! I am not confident it will work. Call me a sceptic if you like. It did not work last time around and I very much doubt that it will work this time either.
Not yet, next Monday is the 14 days before reporting point. I will give it a try and then join IB for the day out to KCI on 6th September! I am not confident it will work. Call me a sceptic if you like. It did not work last time around and I very much doubt that it will work this time either.

Maybe better to leave it until 7th Nomad.

If my online reporting doesn't work, I'll likely be there 8th or 9th.
I successfully did an online report about 90 days ago, I am due for my next one as of the 23rd, I will update once completed.
I successfully did an online report about 90 days ago, I am due for my next one as of the 23rd, I will update once completed.

That would be very useful, particularly if you can also detail the browser which you used (and the version) and the website address.

I shall be making an attempt on 26th.