90-day report online: web address please!

And where would they be living?

Now that would be a good question. Correct me if I am wrong GL, and I know you will.
I thought KCI only served those residents of Surin and Burri Ram.

That makes the furthest residents in Burri Ram and Surin around 120 Km one way.
Far enough I guess to give someone the shits though.
For no reason whatsoever I tried again this afternoon (with IE 8.0 32 bit).

This time, instead of a blank page where step 2 should be, the website returned this:


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Now that would be a good question. Correct me if I am wrong GL, and I know you will.
I thought KCI only served those residents of Surin and Burri Ram.

That makes the furthest residents in Burri Ram and Surin around 120 Km one way.
Far enough I guess to give someone the shits though.

Buriram Province and it can be 205 km one way. Surin Province could be 155km.//flag
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For no reason whatsoever I tried again this afternoon (with IE 8.0 32 bit).

This time, instead of a blank page where step 2 should be, the website returned this:

I got that far 90 days ago on my old computer system! However, "to bodly go" beyond that page was an impossible dream. (Same OS as you mentioned)
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Buriram Province and it can be 205 km one way. Surin Province could be 155km.//flag

Well, I do feel sorry for the farangs who live there. However, I can't see how your boast of being in and out in 5 minutes would be any consolation to them. Perhaps you could suggest to them that they use the on-line reporting facility.
Well, I do feel sorry for the farangs who live there. However, I can't see how your boast of being in and out in 5 minutes would be any consolation to them. Perhaps you could suggest to them that they use the on-line reporting facility.

I hope that all that want to can use the online report option WHEN IT GETS SORTED OUT. Which will never happen.. BTW Iknow quite a few that are in Buriram far that use it and quite a few that have had NO luck.
BTW When you tag up with your new love the first question you should ask her is "WHERE IS THE IMMIGRATION OFFICE WHERE YOU LIVE." NOT where do i get beer.LMAO1
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I hope that all that want to can use the online report option WHEN IT GETS SORTED OUT. Which will never happen.. BTW i know quite a few that are in Buriram far that use it and quite a few that have had NO luck.

Seems a lottery GL. Some win, some lose.
Seems a lottery GL. Some win, some lose.

It would be interesting to discover why. It can't be their address (i.e. their reporting district) as the site doesn't allow you to progress to that level.

Well, they've only had about 9 months to sort it. Give them a chance. There's more important things to consider.
Time for an update on my 90 day online report.

I submitted on Sunday, got a ref. number, waited for the email telling me of my success and new report date like last time.

Today (Wed) evening I had not heard from them. I went to the Immi website, put in my Passport number, D.O.B. and nationality and BINGO it came up approved. Tried to get a printout of the slip and new report date and the system went into melt down. Seems there is a problem with the certificates of Thai Immigration website.

I am not sure why I did not receive an email with the new report date etc. It could be that my extension expires before 90 days so the system does not send a new report date. I am not too bothered about getting a new slip for my passport as Immigration has my details on their system. I may try again tomorrow to print out the slip and will let you know if I have any success.
Time for an update on my 90 day online report.

I submitted on Sunday, got a ref. number, waited for the email telling me of my success and new report date like last time.

Today (Wed) evening I had not heard from them. I went to the Immi website, put in my Passport number, D.O.B. and nationality and BINGO it came up approved. Tried to get a printout of the slip and new report date and the system went into melt down. Seems there is a problem with the certificates of Thai Immigration website.

I am not sure why I did not receive an email with the new report date etc. It could be that my extension expires before 90 days so the system does not send a new report date. I am not too bothered about getting a new slip for my passport as Immigration has my details on their system. I may try again tomorrow to print out the slip and will let you know if I have any success.

Maybe it's not a good idea to use Wombat's computer then Nomad?
What has Wombat got that we haven't got? Or its a business opportunity for Wombat. We come to your house, drink a Singha or Heineken or 2 or 3, and submit our 90-day report on your computer. What do you reckon?

No, maybe, let me think about it, I'll get back to you,
I printed out my approved 90 day report page today, seems I have no next report date on it as my extension expires before the 90 days.

No gremlins in the system this time. Very easy really.

Now my next assignment.......get my second extension in November.