Annual extension to visa


Resident Geek
Update from KCI yesterday.

My friend went to extend his visa for a further year (based on retirement). He arrived with 2 copies of everything, met at the entrance, had his paperwork sorted into the correct order, and everything processed quickly, smoothly and in a very nice manner by the IO's. They did not want the second copy of the paperwork, nor did they ask him to go into KC and obtain another copy. One set of papers was all that was required. Unlike a year ago, no home visit was required and the extension was stamped in the passport for a further year. All in all, my friend was well impressed with the service provided.

In direct contrast, some arsehole of eastern European origin, was complaining vociferously when he was fined 2,000 baht for being late with his 90 day report. He was not amused and told the officers as such, after they had sorted out his passport I should add. About the same time, as my friend described, another 'gentleman' of unknown origin arrived in a very garish combination of shorts and shirt looking more like a No. 28 parrot (for our Australian friends) than a serious applicant for a visa extension. What happened to him is not known.

No 28 parrot -
Let's hope it applies to every retirement application from now on.

A friend applying in Sakon Nakhon for a marriage extension (first time) was advised that he would need the usual photographs. He duly took the photographs and printed them out but upon his application he was told they weren't necessary; the IO's conducting the home visit would take their own.
Let's hope it applies to every retirement application from now on.

A friend applying in Sakon Nakhon for a marriage extension (first time) was advised that he would need the usual photographs. He duly took the photographs and printed them out but upon his application he was told they weren't necessary; the IO's conducting the home visit would take their own.

They take extra photos for a marriage extension when they come for their visit from SI but they still want photos when you do the application every year. IMHO not a big deal. As I have previously said SI has seriously lighten up.
Update from KCI yesterday.

My friend went to extend his visa for a further year (based on retirement). He arrived with 2 copies of everything, met at the entrance, had his paperwork sorted into the correct order, and everything processed quickly, smoothly and in a very nice manner by the IO's. They did not want the second copy of the paperwork, nor did they ask him to go into KC and obtain another copy. One set of papers was all that was required. Unlike a year ago, no home visit was required and the extension was stamped in the passport for a further year. All in all, my friend was well impressed with the service provided.

In direct contrast, some arsehole of eastern European origin, was complaining vociferously when he was fined 2,000 baht for being late with his 90 day report. He was not amused and told the officers as such, after they had sorted out his passport I should add. About the same time, as my friend described, another 'gentleman' of unknown origin arrived in a very garish combination of shorts and shirt looking more like a No. 28 parrot (for our Australian friends) than a serious applicant for a visa extension. What happened to him is not known.

No 28 parrot -

There has been and always be **** about.
The ****bags that IB has written about on occasion...are those the wives and girlfriends ? :p
Good to hear that ref. KCI. On a side issue I did my last 90 days reporting at Jomtien, Pattaya as I was holidaying for one month with a friend who had come over from England.

I saw a senior female IO (looking at the braid on her epaulettes) and she said I should have registered my new address on arrival at Patts, some two and a half weeks ago I might add. She also insisted that I get a copy of my rental accomm, copies of forms, passports and photos etc.

As it was afternoon I asked if I could come back tomorrow and initially she said yes, and then mentioned she'd be in Bangkok tomorrow so I said I'd see her later that afternoon. I went to the shop next door to get the photos and copies etc and I wasn't looking forward to the trio back to Pattaya for the guest house receipt.

After the shop completed the copies and photos (about 200 baht I think) she said just to go back to immigration. I did this and saw the lady again and I explained I hadn't gone back to Patts and the shop said just to go back to immigration. She obviously felt sorry for my sorry arse or liked my somewhat awkward smile and she processed the paperwork.

Anyone else encountered similar when traveling around the Kingdom?
Definitely concur with Yorky's post above.

Negativity is multiplied in spades at an Immigration or a Police office...same as it should elsewhere.
Witnessed an old boy a few years back "euro ****". He got seriously up set that he was being fined 2000 baht for being late on his 90 day report. He had gone the Donald Trump route so the IO then said you sure as hell won't like this and hit him for 5000 baht, the max. The **** snatched his pp out of the IO's hand and with his partner running after him and she looked liked someone had bitched slapped her she was out the door after her ATM. The IO, it was KCI then, called KC's finest BIB's. They cut him off before he got to the highway look him back to the Cross Bar Hotel, Kap Choeng's finest and fined him 5000 baht there. Then they escorted him back down to KCI brought him inside and he paid the IO another 5000 baht AT which point the IO took his passport and canceled his retirement extension and gave him just 7 days to get the f**k out of Dodge or Thailand. Yes sir there is some serious **** about. BTW. I witnessed the complete operation and out come. This could not have happened to a nicer piece of shit. I did fell sorry for the girl as she loss mega face.
So nice that you remember my bon mots, Coffee!

You have many fine bon mots.
Scumbag wasn't among them though it's been used as a fond greeting or farewell in NYC.
'Hey there, scumbag.' 'Don't let there door hit you on the way out, scumbag.'
Personally it is a word I don't use in company.
Negativity is multiplied in spades at an Immigration or a Police office...same as it should elsewhere.

When you’re lost in the rain in Kap Cheong and it’s visa time too
And your gravity fails and negativity don’t pull you through
Don’t put on any airs when you’re down on Kap Cheong Avenue
They got some hungry I.O's there and they really make a mess outta you

[apologies to Bob]
Yesterday's extension based on retirement showed me that they are very serious about the 'THB 800,000 seasoned ninety days' rule...
and very leery about expats who play the top up the account 90 days prior ...pull out the funds...and again top up the account the week prior to applying for an extension with the bank letter.

There is no longer a gratuity box so a "donation" to an animal shelter can be made next to the entrance door vestibule to assist helping a potentially worthy cause.
Yesterday's extension based on retirement showed me that they are very serious about the 'THB 800,000 seasoned ninety days' rule...
and very leery about expats who play the top up the account 90 days prior ...pull out the funds...and again top up the account the week prior to applying for an extension with the bank letter.

There is no longer a gratuity box so a "donation" to an animal shelter can be made next to the entrance door vestibule to assist helping a potentially worthy cause.

I imagine that some folk, once having scraped together the 800,000baht, need to use some or most of it over the following 9 months for general living costs. Could immigration employees keep 800,000baht deposited for a full year and live off what else they have.......Stupid question - of course they could, with all the fiddles they have!
I imagine that some folk, once having scraped together the 800,000baht, need to use some or most of it over the following 9 months for general living costs.

I am sure you are correct Nick, although how many (or what percentage) I wouldn't be able to hazard a guess. Atb has mentioned such folks on numerous occasions.
There's always the chance that one day I'll become one of those folks too. :mask:
It can happen to anyone and no one is immune.
I imagine that some folk, once having scraped together the 800,000baht, need to use some or most of it over the following 9 months for general living costs. Could immigration employees keep 800,000baht deposited for a full year and live off what else they have.......Stupid question - of course they could, with all the fiddles they have!

I thought the point was that the 800k was to cover annual living costs (and certainly does not need to be a fixed amount) - that is why the alternative of 65,000 Baht per month income is offered.
Yesterday's extension based on retirement showed me that they are very serious about the 'THB 800,000 seasoned ninety days' rule...
and very leery about expats who play the top up the account 90 days prior ...pull out the funds...and again top up the account the week prior to applying for an extension with the bank letter.

There is no longer a gratuity box so a "donation" to an animal shelter can be made next to the entrance door vestibule to assist helping a potentially worthy cause.

It is further evidence of the reasons why people I know, who have the required deposit/income, prefer to pay 14,000 Baht to buy an extension.
Why would someone who has the proper seasoned money pay 14,000 to "buy an extension" ?
(That's flushing 12,000 down the toilet.)