As said, all mandates cease on death.
Local practice dictates what happens with a joint account.
At one time HSBC would allow continuation of the old account number, but retitled to the sole name of the survivor.
Consider what would happen to a cheque signed by a joint account holder where the cheque was received for payment after notification of the death of that party.
In the vast majority of cases the surviving account holder is entitled to the residual balance by succession.
the balance in a joint account will pass to the surviving account holder on death by right of survivorship, outside the terms of the deceased's Will. This is because almost all joint accounts will be held as “joint tenants” rather than as “tenants in common”.”
However, consider a case where, say Nick and I, had been stashing away I’ll gotten gains into a joint bank account. Having accumulated 10m Baht I would be quite happy to claim that balance should Nick kick the bucket.
I am not so certain that Nick’s beneficiaries under his Will would feel the same way.
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