Choam Sa Ngam


Reference point required for that statement Ivor.....
I think the Forum Spelling Police was talking about my sports car quip ....I knew Karmen (n) had 2 'N's but fell it unnecessary to spell it correctly as it was just a silly joke .......I should have known some jobsworth was going to pull me on it :smile::smile::smile:
I think the Forum Spelling Police was talking about my sports car quip ....I knew Karmen (n) had 2 'N's but fell it unnecessary to spell it correctly as it was just a silly joke .......I should have known some jobsworth was going to pull me on it :smile::smile::smile:

Ah, I understand now.

I didn't think a moderator would have taken the thread even further off topic.................
It requires approximately 10/12 cross border trips a year to break even on costs.

The advice I always give everyone who crosses at Chong Chom is to present their passport and visa application, correctly filled in, together with photo + $35 all together. Just smile, don't speak and stand back. So far it has worked for all.
If you like regular visits to Siam Reap and live not to far from the border it's worth it , plus the passport will last longer not a page a visit .
But if your intentions are just visa run no it's not worth it .
If the golf course was not so expensive I might of considered, as i drive there .

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Got back from Choam Sa Ngam about 2 hours ago. Carton of Heineken, 1 liter of Malibu and 3 cartons of smokes....1600 baht. Didn't even know before hand I was going there (Cambodia)...supposed to go to see a (girl) friend of the missus at her house just outside Buachet....long story short.....I'm 60k inside passport....only a photo on my phone of my Thai entry details and a lot of good that would do me if stopped. Dropped the phone on the farm that the wife's friend had bought recently...700 rai.....f@@@@@cking dog bit the phone and smashed the screen. I thought I'm up sh!t creek without the proverbial!!!!.. Wifes other friend could see I was , to put it mildly, concerned. He just said to problem....she Godfather.
Straight through the immigration checkpoint both ways with a wave and a big smile.
Seems having friends in low places can be advantageous at times.
Before the new road Chong Chom to Siem Reap was opened some 3 years or so ago, we took all our tours through Choam -sa ngam. Never once got stopped to see what we had bought (and often way over duty free limits) One day however when I was picking up a small group at the border, they walked through the then exit, just behind a couple of monks. The monks were searched and frisked, but the farangs were just waved through with a smile.
Earlier in this thread some posts were suggesting Cambodian Immigration at Chong Chom would not accept US $

Has anyone been across recently and can verify this is the case (for a few nights stop in Siem Reap)
Earlier in this thread some posts were suggesting Cambodian Immigration at Chong Chom would not accept US $

Has anyone been across recently and can verify this is the case (for a few nights stop in Siem Reap)

We paid in Dollars for our group last month.

We paid $35 per person.

(The Cambodian visa fee is $30).